Wait...what is this?

I'm going to have to defend Sad's honor on that one. When she was 18 Dern was hot AF. Not as hot as say as say a Fairuza Balk, or Juliette Lewis....those nasty little things that made me wanna sing......but nonetheless hot. 😂
Okay okay, Dern was cute in the movie Mask, when she was barely 18. After that, she seemed to have aged quickly into her 30's, looking like more into her late 40's.
Okay okay, Dern was cute in the movie Mask, when she was barely 18. After that, she seemed to have aged quickly into her 30's, looking more into her late 40's.
Note all of the ones I listed are flat as pancakes.........but dazzling pancakes try a lot harder than others, and they look pretty fine from behind when you are ballz deep into the reverse flapjack. . Ask me how I know........follow me for more life hacks. 😂