Van Jones made a similar point to what I did / Credit to DJT


Bull Gator
Gold Member
Feb 3, 2007
....which in 99% of all cases should scare me, but he is right here. On my "reflections", I made this point:

Power of New/Independent Media: Embracing the TikTok era - Trump "got out the vote" because he was relentlessly on social media and then tied into all of the new media sources like Ben S., like Megan K., like Rogan., etc. etc. No longer was this working through the legacy media hegemony of Fox, CNN, etc. DJTjr was brilliant on TikTok. Quietly got out - in droves, the bro vote without knocking on a single door. Brilliant.

He was on CNN and said that the Democrats got "destroyed" and "outhought, outplayed, outflanked" as Democrats were doing their traditional door knocking hitting a voter perhaps once for 10 seconds, when social media (like this) is driving engagement 24 (ok, more like 18 as we have to sleep) hours a day, 7 days a week.

Van Jones is right. The person who first saw the power of TikTok was DJT, Trump trusted his oldest son, and it worked.

This is also what happens when you "cancel culture" people out of traditional media. Megyn is more powerful now than she has ever been. Bari Weiss. The list goes on and on.
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So while I agree, this still misses the obvious. The other side let in TWENTY MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS, that did not have vaccines while many of us lost our jobs if we refused, or was denied travel or entry. They proclaimed bidenomics were working as retired people had to go back to work to afford to live. Families could not afford rent or young people cannot afford homes. Car insurance skyrocketed. They let men compete in women sports. They tried to FORCE this down our throats. They refused to explain what they stood for. And what they would change to correct the issues above. Their candidate never was voted on. Their plan was to call Trump horrible names, and when they did, they weee calling all of us the same names. THIS ISXWHY THEY LOST, not because they advertised the wrong way. They had the wrong answers and message. And only a few are understanding this so far. They still think it is because we are racists and mysoginists.
And go back and read some of our threads. I kept posting “Trump is gaining support in every demographic, yet the polls say it is tied. That is not mathematically possible. They moved WAY WAY too far left, too fast. And were flatly rejected for doing so. They HAVE to move closer to the center or they will continue to get their ass whipped. Lastly, do you know who voted for them? Elites and agnostics. That’s it. What a horrible direction
So while I agree, this still misses the obvious. The other side let in TWENTY MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS, that did not have vaccines while many of us lost our jobs if we refused, or was denied travel or entry. They proclaimed bidenomics were working as retired people had to go back to work to afford to live. Families could not afford rent or young people cannot afford homes. Car insurance skyrocketed. They let men compete in women sports. They tried to FORCE this down our throats. They refused to explain what they stood for. And what they would change to correct the issues above. Their candidate never was voted on. Their plan was to call Trump horrible names, and when they did, they weee calling all of us the same names. THIS ISXWHY THEY LOST, not because they advertised the wrong way. They had the wrong answers and message. And only a few are understanding this so far. They still think it is because we are racists and mysoginists.
Mine was a minor point above, the rest of this is spot on.

@Capt Ron 1 @NavigatorII I saw a clip from the View where Alyssa said that is 97% latino and that voted 75% republican. Why? According to Sonny Hostin? Misogyny. You literally can't make this up.

Now - where did I see it? TikTok feed from a pro-trump site showing me this clip.
....which in 99% of all cases should scare me, but he is right here. On my "reflections", I made this point:

Power of New/Independent Media: Embracing the TikTok era - Trump "got out the vote" because he was relentlessly on social media and then tied into all of the new media sources like Ben S., like Megan K., like Rogan., etc. etc. No longer was this working through the legacy media hegemony of Fox, CNN, etc. DJTjr was brilliant on TikTok. Quietly got out - in droves, the bro vote without knocking on a single door. Brilliant.

He was on CNN and said that the Democrats got "destroyed" and "outhought, outplayed, outflanked" as Democrats were doing their traditional door knocking hitting a voter perhaps once for 10 seconds, when social media (like this) is driving engagement 24 (ok, more like 18 as we have to sleep) hours a day, 7 days a week.

Van Jones is right. The person who first saw the power of TikTok was DJT, Trump trusted his oldest son, and it worked.

This is also what happens when you "cancel culture" people out of traditional media. Megyn is more powerful now than she has ever been. Bari Weiss. The list goes on and on.
So you’re finally coming out of the closet and admitting your van Jones
Pleasure to meet you, sir
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Mine was a minor point above, the rest of this is spot on.

@Capt Ron 1 @NavigatorII I saw a clip from the View where Alyssa said that is 97% latino and that voted 75% republican. Why? According to Sonny Hostin? Misogyny. You literally can't make this up.

Now - where did I see it? TikTok feed from a pro-trump site showing me this clip.
Well if she said it, she said it. No other media pointed it out? Morning Joke and his communist whore Mika basically said the same thing on television too. And Al Sharpton. 😂
....which in 99% of all cases should scare me, but he is right here. On my "reflections", I made this point:

Power of New/Independent Media: Embracing the TikTok era - Trump "got out the vote" because he was relentlessly on social media and then tied into all of the new media sources like Ben S., like Megan K., like Rogan., etc. etc. No longer was this working through the legacy media hegemony of Fox, CNN, etc. DJTjr was brilliant on TikTok. Quietly got out - in droves, the bro vote without knocking on a single door. Brilliant.

He was on CNN and said that the Democrats got "destroyed" and "outhought, outplayed, outflanked" as Democrats were doing their traditional door knocking hitting a voter perhaps once for 10 seconds, when social media (like this) is driving engagement 24 (ok, more like 18 as we have to sleep) hours a day, 7 days a week.

Van Jones is right. The person who first saw the power of TikTok was DJT, Trump trusted his oldest son, and it worked.

This is also what happens when you "cancel culture" people out of traditional media. Megyn is more powerful now than she has ever been. Bari Weiss. The list goes on and on.
Legacy media is dead, no longer relevant with their lies and their advocacy for democrats masquerading as "journalism".
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....which in 99% of all cases should scare me, but he is right here. On my "reflections", I made this point:

Power of New/Independent Media: Embracing the TikTok era - Trump "got out the vote" because he was relentlessly on social media and then tied into all of the new media sources like Ben S., like Megan K., like Rogan., etc. etc. No longer was this working through the legacy media hegemony of Fox, CNN, etc. DJTjr was brilliant on TikTok. Quietly got out - in droves, the bro vote without knocking on a single door. Brilliant.

He was on CNN and said that the Democrats got "destroyed" and "outhought, outplayed, outflanked" as Democrats were doing their traditional door knocking hitting a voter perhaps once for 10 seconds, when social media (like this) is driving engagement 24 (ok, more like 18 as we have to sleep) hours a day, 7 days a week.

Van Jones is right. The person who first saw the power of TikTok was DJT, Trump trusted his oldest son, and it worked.

This is also what happens when you "cancel culture" people out of traditional media. Megyn is more powerful now than she has ever been. Bari Weiss. The list goes on and on.

Reps did have a big get out the vote door knocking campaign in many swing states through PACs. It helped because they got a lot of low turnout type voters to vote early. I think in 2 of the states the state data showed it was helping. The other swing states didn't have the data to compare.
Legacy media is dead, no longer relevant with their lies and their advocacy for democrats masquerading as "journalism".
I hope this is true, however I think they are merely wounded..not dead. I DO believe more people than ever have seen through their garbage, and the writing is on the wall that if they keep doing the same old BS..they WILL be dead.
Reps did have a big get out the vote door knocking campaign in many swing states through PACs. It helped because they got a lot of low turnout type voters to vote early. I think in 2 of the states the state data showed it was helping. The other swing states didn't have the data to compare.
I think this election cycle showed how brilliant Trump actually is. Looking back, I do not see an area he missed on OTHER than the debate. I think he was over confident, and did not see how much 3 to 1 was really a challenge. He knew how stupid she was, but what she did was much the same thing a prosecutor does, and with the help of the moderators, it was going to be quite a task to outshine her. (and I am 100% certain she had the questions before hand)
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