Ukraine Russian War

Curious if Russia would agree to anything like this considering they are routing areas around that Donbass area right now. They might see it as just a chance for Ukraine to try to reinforce those spots. I guess we will see.
Russia is VERY depleted, and America has a strong President. May not on this exact agreement, however I think Russia has had all they can handle
Russia is VERY depleted, and America has a strong President. May not on this exact agreement, however I think Russia has had all they can handle

I think they want the war over and Ukraine military out of anywhere right around Donbass. I could see them pressing their momentum now though possibly saying they won't agree to anything that allows Ukraine to try and regroup around those areas. We will see what they do I guess. The war has been essentially over for a while imo its just how many more people get slaughtered to get Ukraine military fully out of that Donbass area.

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