You guys know that this just happened with the Trump administration. Now do your thoughts change? Or excuses?
No, it didn't just happen with the Trump administration. But it DID just happen with the obama administration.
When Trump won in 2016, obama used the NSA to spy on Trump during the transition. He had no basis for doing so, other than Trump was a political opponent that he wanted to get dirt on. Admiral Mike Rogers, head of the NSA, detected the spying, saw it had no merit, and informed Pres Trump, who left Trump Tower and went to Florida.
That's what a patriot does.
If Tucker is telling the truth, and he has an impeccable track record for doing so (unlike certain posters here), then Hiden is doing the same thing that obama did. He is weaponizing the NSA to spy on his political opponents.
Pres Trump did not do that. Pres Trump asked Apple to give them data on the phones of two democrats: Adam Schitt and Eric Fartwelll. The difference is, Trump had an actual reason to be checking on these two. First, there was suspicion that Schitt was leaking classified intel to the press AND meeting with our enemies to discuss this information. And with Fartwell, we literally had proof of him sleeping with Chinese spies.
Funny thing is, when obama was busted spying on Trump, brennan's spin was 'oh we had to spy on him, to protect him from Russia', Funny how that gaslighting doesn't work for you with Schitt and Russia and Fartwell and China, does it?
Bottom line,
@kalimgoodman hates Tucker like all dems do cause Tucker tells the truth about his party's corruption. So he is fine with the spying. Just like he hates Trump so he was fine with his boy obama spying on Trump.