Trump openly fixing election

Now, let's talk about the voter suppression done by the democratic party...we all remember how Queen Hiluree was anointed the democratic nominee long before the 2016 cycle...and we remember Debbie Wasserman-Schitz said (paraphrased) "there would be no grassroots candidate" as the nominee...meaning: the DNC would not allow anyone to topple Queen, moving's a high probability that Tulsi Gabbard might not make the 2020 democratic debate dais in September-October...why?...she's (Tulsi) is very anti-war/anti-foreign toppling of leaders for the USA's purposes...the neocons clearly see her as a threat...notice how the other dems running for 2020 keep their mouths shut about foreign wars...they know the, their mouths stay shut.
We just can't have those pesky "grassroots" candidates like Tulsi or Bernie can we?...oh no, we democrats have to keep the corporate money coming in and we can't have our gravy train upset with grassroots candidates.
And with their (the democrats) ever-changing tactics on who should/should not make the debate stage...we see the democrats as the vote suppressors they truly are...and they (the DNC and democratic party) intend to make the rules and drown out the voices of the people...and when the DNC decides who makes the debate stage instead of the people (aka...the pesky voters) know right then and there it's all a charade and farce by the democratic party and the DNC.
@urtren mentions Trump again...but several things did not occur towards/with him during the election cycle 2016...nobody who was a high ranking RNC official gave him advanced materials (the questions) in advance of his debates with Hiluree or anyone else...and he won the nomination fair and square without super delegates already lined up to make sure he would win the nomination before debates/voting/campaigning had begun.
And if the DNC and democratic party were really for the people (aka..the voters) they would do away with super delegates (who have more voting power than the lowly voters) and stop taking all this pac money and stop allowing their candidates to take campaign money from big pharma, the big-boy banks that have done nothing, IMO, to raise the general welfare of this country.
Nor would democrats allow illegals to I'm aware of the are supposed to be a citizen of this country to vote...that is, unless, of course, the law(s) have, IMO, (I believe)...anyone who accuses the republican party, the RNC (and only them) to suppress voters/voting, IMO, is a fraud at best and a liar and hypocrite at at present...I'm leaning towards the latter (liar and hypocrite).

Agent Orange
First it was global warming, next was Russian collusion delusion, afterwards was the recession, his Elizabeth Thorp, Adam Schiff, Ted Lieu, Mr "Dumpster Fire" Dick Painter, NY Times and Daily Beast Tweets, now urtren is bringing up what the Democrats have been doing by counting dead people's votes. That's the first I've heard of fixing elections by someone other than the triggered Democrats like this one

The Trump Effect?

This past Tuesday, at a Trader Joe’s in Tucson, a male shopper came in wearing a “Trump 2020” t-shirt. My husband and I immediately felt threatened and observed the entire mood of the store shift as well. We quickly and cautiously finished our shopping and moved to the checkout stands

Before we left, my husband asked our checkeR – a Caucasian woman – to convey to management the anxiety we had just experienced at suddenly finding ourselves in a confined space with a man who looked the part of a typical Trump-terrorist.

We were not prepared for our checker’s response. Thanking us both profusely, she grabbed my husband’s hand like a lifeline, two fingers flying to check her own neck pulse. The Trump shopper had just been through her line and her heart was still racing with fear – she actually needed us to help her calm down! I wanted to run after this man and ask if he knew what he had done to this hapless woman, what he had done to us, but of course he knew; that was the point and he’s got plenty of dark-minded company, and that’s the most terrifyingly awful thing of all.

Cheryl Boyles
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Sounds like some folks who need electro-convulsive therapy, a few therapy puppies, a therapy pony, a safe-space, some Midol, and some Prepararion H Wipes.
Conventional therapy from a psychologist may prove ineffective in the long-term.
Maybe they were triggered by the Trump supporter obviously being aware of his proper gender.
I doubt if there's enough prayer to help that affected (infected) couple.

Agent Orange
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Was consulting the constitution and could not find the Article under which the FEC is listed. I even checked the enumerated powers and could not find it there either!? Holy cow batman I am older than this unconstitutional abomination. How did the country survive 200+ years without it.
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The Trump Effect?

This past Tuesday, at a Trader Joe’s in Tucson, a male shopper came in wearing a “Trump 2020” t-shirt. My husband and I immediately felt threatened and observed the entire mood of the store shift as well. We quickly and cautiously finished our shopping and moved to the checkout stands

Before we left, my husband asked our checkeR – a Caucasian woman – to convey to management the anxiety we had just experienced at suddenly finding ourselves in a confined space with a man who looked the part of a typical Trump-terrorist.

We were not prepared for our checker’s response. Thanking us both profusely, she grabbed my husband’s hand like a lifeline, two fingers flying to check her own neck pulse. The Trump shopper had just been through her line and her heart was still racing with fear – she actually needed us to help her calm down! I wanted to run after this man and ask if he knew what he had done to this hapless woman, what he had done to us, but of course he knew; that was the point and he’s got plenty of dark-minded company, and that’s the most terrifyingly awful thing of all.

Cheryl Boyles

Haha, I bet this irony challenged couple call Trump supporters Fascists ftw. Stupid people are adorable.
Almost right on cue. Hey MAGATS, you are all backing the attempt to destroy Democracy. Congrats fools!
A costly, miserable and failing public education system used to teach.
Same to you and any other sorry mfer who excuses obvious corruption


I will just stop there commie facist asshat