Props to you, GatorDad3...after reading your above post...things did come to mind (well, at least to my mind...such that it is)...last year, I refused to watch pro football because of Colonoscopy Kaeperdick and the movement he started...and yes, regardless of what you (GatorDad3) do...many folks are gonna find fault with how you feel (politically)...find fault for your eating mayonnaise (cause it's white)...or find fault with me cause the canine I lost on 12th April this year (yellow lab) would be considered "white.", I'm takin' back my white power and I'm gonna watch pro football this season and if folks take a be it...and I'm gonna eat that yummy Miracle Whip and will also venture into regular mayonnaise (have eaten Dukes before)...and no, no mayo/Miracle Whip on a hot dog...BBQ sauce, ketchup, mustard are allowed.
I am a white person of color.
Agent Orange