Trannies in the Rose Garden

These are Dimtards. Take note BScuck, MDFer, Gay Ray, Slippin Kal. These are YOUR people! :mad:
I am guessing a 275 lb cat got their tongue? Any comment that THIS is what you ALL support? Because it DAm% sure is NOT our side!! Speak up you support this? It is EXACTLY who you all vote I guess we know.
Americans – at least those who are neither hypnotized nor overly intimidated by insane “woke” religious ideology – know their beloved country is in serious trouble. They watch in horror and sadness as it rapidly morphs into a pagan playground for sexual revolutionaries masquerading as freedom fighters.

Thus, today all things corrupt and unholy are celebrated, with the entire month of June officially set aside as “Pride Month” to honor and publicly flaunt immoral, perverted sexual behaviors widely practiced in the ancient biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

MDF’R loves him some Tranny

Looks familiar.

(flipping through my Monster Manual)…

A ha!

If I were to tell you that a 33y/o male who is diagnosed with bi-polar disorder with suicidal ideations is being allowed to transition and is taking massive doses of hormones in that effort, effectively putting him into a state similar to menopause, would you believe me?

I'm telling you and I can hardly believe it myself. We are a country of morons.
Born in queens grew up in the COD went to UF, DOMINATED the west coast, in that order nickel…. And no trannies don’t trigger me at all, I don’t scare easily which is why I didn’t fall for the ole heaven and hell pitch know what I mean… SHEEP!!
@RussellCasse, another one for your spreadsheet!

You tell em big boi. You go girl! (in my highest pitched BScuck voice) 😂


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Born in queens grew up in the COD went to UF, DOMINATED the west coast, in that order nickel…. And no trannies don’t trigger me at all, I don’t scare easily which is why I didn’t fall for the ole heaven and hell pitch know what I mean… SHEEP!!

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