Thoughts and prayers to our friends in Tallahassee and the Panhandle…


Bull Gator
Jan 9, 2002
Copper Monkey 30 minutes prior to kickoff
If you have been around this Board long enough, you know that sadgator despises and fears hurricanes more than anything else in the world.

They are horrible events, and sadgator has the highest level of sympathy and compassion for those who have to experience both the event and the terrible aftermath that follows….

May God bless you all over the next few hours, and let’s hope it is not as bad as it could be…
If you have been around this Board long enough, you know that sadgator despises and fears hurricanes more than anything else in the world.

They are horrible events, and sadgator has the highest level of sympathy and compassion for those who have to experience both the event and the terrible aftermath that follows….

May God bless you all over the next few hours, and let’s hope it is not as bad as it could be…
Amen brother.
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Anyone born and raised in central Florida as I was can tell you that your first experience with a hurricane at a young age will leave a terrifying experience you will never forget. The feeling that the walls would come crashing in at any moment the the eerie calm followed by a second torrent is unforgettable. Please take heed and evacuate. Prayers to all.
Tree loving Tally will have serious power outages.
The coast immediately south of the Capitol in places like Shell Point, St.Marks and Panacea will see big storm surges.
I have friends in Tally who are hunkering down but others are hauling out of town or have already left.
I’m hearing I-10 is having huge traffic in both directions.
I'm 77 and too old to move now. The only thing truly keeping us here is our daughter and grandchildren live 3 miles from us. I've always hated summers in Florida and the 95 degree 75% humidity drags me down even more now. There's some detraction or negative anywhere you go but North Carolina and eastern Tennessee always seems nice. I can take the cold much better than the heat. Hurricanes area a big negative for Florida and they scare me to death Butt snowstorms are no picnic either. Born here and lived here all but 2 years when my Dad was stationed in Naples Italy. One positive is I wouldn't be a Gator fan if I had lived elsewhere. LOL.
Still nothing but prayer and hope for all the folks in the path of this monster.God please protect them.
Don't worry, there's an amphibious assault carrier loaded up with ACV in the Gulf ready to assist the Coasties with rescue efforts. Lol at being in a flat bottom warship during a cat 4 hurricane. 😎
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Storm well into Georgia now and coastal flooding is a real thing. Tally escaped a direct hit.
The area where it made landfall is one of the last places not full of people, but poor little Perry took a beating.
Both of my sons are going to school in Tally (older is a senior at FSU, younger is a sophomore at TSC); glad they have more common sense than their old man - they came home midweek when classes got cancelled. I'd have been gearing up for the hurricane parties in my college days.
Saw from a friend that UF lost a grand old oak that was in the center of campus (the Norman Hall tree); I assume you guys know which?
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If you have been around this Board long enough, you know that sadgator despises and fears hurricanes more than anything else in the world.

They are horrible events, and sadgator has the highest level of sympathy and compassion for those who have to experience both the event and the terrible aftermath that follows….

May God bless you all over the next few hours, and let’s hope it is not as bad as it could be…
Thoughts and prayers? Please! Go back to your wife and agree with her Liberal stance.

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