This is the most awesome thing you will see all year


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
Yestiddy, antifa pulled down a statue of Silent Sam on the North Carolina campus. I have no earthly idea who Silent Sam was, but apparently he was somehow linked to the Confederacy, so the white liberals pulled his statue down.

Today, this is what is standing there in its place.

I will never understand the sentimental attachment to the Confederacy felt by some white southerners. At least the Germans have enough sense not to have a bunch of statues celebrating Nazis all over their country.
Yes. I saw that it was a black guy waving a Confederate flag and saying that it wasn't all bad..

That's the precise opposite of what he said.

My comment was speaking in general. I'm sure you would agree that at least 9 out of 10 people who romanticise the Confederacy are white.

There's plenty of people that romanticise the North. As this black man correctly points out, the Northern soldiers killed indiscriminately, they didn't care if they were white or black. That's a reality of the Civil War that never gets taught.
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I will never understand the sentimental attachment to the Confederacy felt by some white southerners. At least the Germans have enough sense not to have a bunch of statues celebrating Nazis all over their country.
If you admit you don't understand it, why try and be less than ignorant by trying to discuss it.

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