This is not going to end well

...and sadgator isn't the one throwing rocks at others for how much they love their guy. sadgator correctly pointed out above, we all love our guys. For some reason, the FSU fan love for Bowden is apparently exempt from consideration.

All of that being said, sadgator thinks that the one thing we can all probably agree on is that the NCAA CFB Win record for coaches is as tainted as the MLB home run record now. They should just wipe the entire stat off the books since it is so sickening to think about.
LSAO. sadgator seriously almost fell out of his chair when he read this post...never seen one so ironic or hypocritical in the past 10 years or so... "St. Bobby"....C'mon man, just c'mon.

I see a lot of lynch mob mentality in the Penn State story but FSU fans have a little extra edge because of the wins situation.
I see a lot of lynch mob mentality in the Penn State story but FSU fans have a little extra edge because of the wins situation.

How do you mean? You think Joe is innocent? Or do you mean the victims were lynched by Penn State fans?
Bowden presided under at least two new rules regarding players. One is called the Deon rule. The other is the rule for a charged felony. And his public defense of a former player convicted of serial rapes was inexcusable. As was his defense of another rapist from another campus. And how many times did he preside over major NCAA violations? Three? four?

The Michael Gibson letter was awful. Not because of the letter itself. The letter was a pretty standard reference that only covered his role as a player. If a coach wrote honest letters for any player that requested them, I would be okay with that. In this case, Bowden wrote the letter as part of his recruiting effort to get Ernie Sims. He also kowtowed on a retired number. It was the low point in his career.

What Deion did makes perfect sense given the rules at the time. I've never heard we were responsible for the charged felony rule. As for major NCAA violations? Meh.

I like Bowden. I've met him a few times, and he's always been incredibly gracious. I think he is generally a good person. I also think he did some questionable things as a coach, but nowhere near Paterno. We also don't treat him like that. We put the program ahead of him. We fired his son, and then him, when it was clear he wasn't moving the program forward.
How do you mean? You think Joe is innocent? Or do you mean the victims were lynched by Penn State fans?

Paterno acted like a lot of people would have acted. He didn't call the police on a coworker. We don't know what all went on behind the scenes.
Sad state of affairs then. ^ it's more important to have a co-worker's back than to protect kids who are being sexually abused?
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Amazing that it was only 7 years ago that both men were held in high regard...then Bowden gets hit with the massive academic cheating scandal and Joe Pa with Sandusky and both men's legacies' are changed forever...

They will forever be linked in their success and failures....

False equivalence. Bowden had nothing to do with the cheating scandal, but he took the fall because he was the coach. It was an online quiz for some dopey Music Appreciation course. Bobby probably barely even knew what the Internet was back then.

Bobby is no saint, but there are no saints among college football coaches. I'm not defending some of his low points, but all of the dirt on him is just standard-fare, major college football program shenanigans. He coached for nearly fifty years, during a time when college football was much dirtier, and less scrutinized, than it is today.

Is Sadgator sure that he wants to compare this to Paterno ignoring the fact that one of his coaches was sexually abusing multiple children over the course of decades? Sadgator is usually smarter than that.

And, as others have mentioned. Bobby eventually did fall from grace. He is still loved and respected for building the program, but both his son, and eventually he himself were fired when it was past time for him to go. Paterno would probably still be coaching at PSU if external parties didn't force their hand (and if he didn't die, obviously).
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Amazing that it was only 7 years ago that both men were held in high regard...then Bowden gets hit with the massive academic cheating scandal and Joe Pa with Sandusky and both men's legacies' are changed forever...

They will forever be linked in their success and failures....
So you think in say 10 or 15 years when they bring up Paterno and Bowden, they will say Sandusky pedophile and Music Appreciation Test Scandal? ROFL
Paterno acted like a lot of people would have acted. He didn't call the police on a coworker. We don't know what all went on behind the scenes.
Wow! If you knew a kid was being molested by a "coworker" you wouldn't call the cops? Hope you don't have kids.

We do know what went on behind the scenes as Louis Freeh uncovered that.
False equivalence. Bowden had nothing to do with the cheating scandal, but he took the fall because he was the coach. It was an online quiz for some dopey Music Appreciation course. Bobby probably barely even knew what the Internet was back then.

Bobby is no saint, but there are no saints among college football coaches. I'm not defending some of his low points, but all of the dirt on him is just standard-fare, major college football program shenanigans. He coached for nearly fifty years, during a time when college football was much dirtier, and less scrutinized, than it is today.

Is Sadgator sure that he wants to compare this to Paterno ignoring the fact that one of his coaches was sexually abusing multiple children over the course of decades? Sadgator is usually smarter than that.

And, as others have mentioned. Bobby eventually did fall from grace. He is still loved and respected for building the program, but both his son, and eventually he himself were fired when it was past time for him to go. Paterno would probably still be coaching at PSU if external parties didn't force their hand (and if he didn't die, obviously).
That is not the point, which set of shameful acts is the more serious. The point Sad is making is how nolies shouldn't be critical of PSU fans that are still defending JoPa, because nolies have a similar man crush on bobby.
And right on cue here come the nolies to deflect and moths to the light......but hey, we are nothing like the crazy psu fans, nothing I tell ya!!
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TWe put the program ahead of him. We fired his son, and then him, when it was clear he wasn't moving the program forward.

Actually, this is a fair point. You guys did fire his ass when it become clear he was only hanging on to get the win total. But only because of that. Had he been winning a bit better, (read, no six loss streak to Florida) no Nole fan would have called for his firing, no matter how many scandals could have been laid at his feet.
That is not the point, which set of shameful acts is the more serious. The point Sad is making is how nolies shouldn't be critical of PSU fans that are still defending JoPa, because nolies have a similar man crush on bobby.
Actually it is the point. The evidence from Joe's own mouth convicts him and molesting children is a far cry from getting some free shoes from an agent. I would be critical of Paterno whether I was an FSU fan or not. Morally, you should be too IMO.
Actually, this is a fair point. You guys did fire his ass when it become clear he was only hanging on to get the win total. But only because of that. Had he been winning a bit better, (read, no six loss streak to Florida) no Nole fan would have called for his firing, no matter how many scandals could have been laid at his feet.

This only goes so far. What JoePa did was inherently detrimental to the program. I will always put the program ahead of our coach.

If you win, you can pull a Saban and pretend that an unwarranted search didn't turn up a stolen gun and weed right before your game against USC. You can't do what JoePa did, though.
Not that sadgator would deny that we love Steve...the statue celebrates his contribution as a heisman trophy winning player. We do not have a statute or homage spot for Steve as a coach that is on the stained glass mural level.

I found it surprising at first that UF was putting up statues, but now I think that it, like most things, is recruiting related. Other schools point to their statues and talk to recruits about their rich history and tradition, we had to have it too. Same as the indoor practice field, etc. And sure, it's not as OLD a tradition as some, but Steves title was in 96, before these kids were born, and like most young people, whatever happened before they were born is "the olden days". So it's all the same to them.
Oh my.... ****ING gad

My fellow UF fans are desperate. Desperate for a win vs FSU.

You guys are losing it, turning every thread into something about FSU. I mean this is about the sickness of the Penn State staff under Joe Pa. One of our good posters turned this into a FSU piss match. Unfortunately the same guy started a whole thread about what jewelry FSU purchases for their wins vs UF/UM.

We are still talking J. Winston...even worse we are still talking Bobby Bowden?

Desperate times.....
Oh my.... ****ING gad

My fellow UF fans are desperate. Desperate for a win vs FSU.

You guys are losing it, turning every thread into something about FSU. I mean this is about the sickness of the Penn State staff under Joe Pa. One of our good posters turned this into a FSU piss match. Unfortunately the same guy started a whole thread about what jewelry FSU purchases for their wins vs UF/UM.

We are still talking J. Winston...even worse we are still talking Bobby Bowden?

Desperate times.....

Formerly @Nolez29 weighing in.

I feel you man. During our skid vs you guys with Urban & Tebow I read a lot the same stuff I'm reading here.
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Oh my.... ****ING gad

My fellow UF fans are desperate. Desperate for a win vs FSU.

You guys are losing it, turning every thread into something about FSU. I mean this is about the sickness of the Penn State staff under Joe Pa. One of our good posters turned this into a FSU piss match. Unfortunately the same guy started a whole thread about what jewelry FSU purchases for their wins vs UF/UM.

We are still talking J. Winston...even worse we are still talking Bobby Bowden?

Desperate times.....
LSAO...sadgator is feelIng approx. 45 or so days, we can put this nonsense behind us...
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Oh my.... ****ING gad

My fellow UF fans are desperate. Desperate for a win vs FSU.

You guys are losing it, turning every thread into something about FSU. I mean this is about the sickness of the Penn State staff under Joe Pa. One of our good posters turned this into a FSU piss match. Unfortunately the same guy started a whole thread about what jewelry FSU purchases for their wins vs UF/UM.

We are still talking J. Winston...even worse we are still talking Bobby Bowden?

Desperate times.....
Refreshing truth. Comparing Joe Paterno's abandonment of children to a monster to ANYTHING remotely that Bobby may have done reeks of desperation. You called it right.
Not that sadgator would deny that we love Steve...the statue celebrates his contribution as a heisman trophy winning player. We do not have a statute or homage spot for Steve as a coach that is on the stained glass mural level.

Well, you'd better catch up, sad. Steve won't be around for ever!
Actually, this is a fair point. You guys did fire his ass when it become clear he was only hanging on to get the win total. But only because of that. Had he been winning a bit better, (read, no six loss streak to Florida) no Nole fan would have called for his firing, no matter how many scandals could have been laid at his feet.

If you think the 6-loss streak to Florida was worse than getting blasted by Wake Forest, you're sadly mistaken. It was certainly a factor, but even if we had a few UF wins during that period, the outcome would have been the same. Bowden was past his prime and couldn't see it.
Not even close. I think you may be ignorant of the scope of this.

Take a look at the reaction when Paterno was fired. Students rioted, the alumni went berserk and all the alumni elected members of the BOT were voted out and ALL of them now are the "Joe did nothing wrong" crowd. One of them, Anthony Lubrano, is trying to get the names of those who talked to Freeh so they can be harassed. Another alum is funding a slander lawsuit from one of the indicted administrators against Freeh! Not only that but both the Governor and the Attorney General were voted out of office by mostly Penn State fans. The Governor participated in the firing of Joe as a member of the BOT. Could you see this happening for Bowden? Really?

You saw nothing like this when Bowden was fired. Of course we loved him and for good reasons but most of us knew it was time for him to go.

Not so with the Joe fans. They think this guy was totally innocent and should NOT have been fired. I have been to Happy Valley, twice. It is like a cult there. Mainly because it is isolated and there is nothing around it. Even Gainesville has more to offer than there.

Yeah, I know Gators like to try and compare Bobby to the fandom of Joe but pal it ain't even close in any way and never was.

Paterno had four losing seasons in a row! The president asked him to step down and he threw him out of his house. Bobby had only won losing season (his first) and even in his bad years still had winning seasons and went to bowl games.

As much as fans loved him they would NEVER have tolerated that. No Joe and those fans up there are quite something and that is why (like the Roman Catholic Church scandal) that so many knew and did nothing. Quite scary.

I've been to Happy Valley twice, and the only moment of excitement was a dead deer in the middle of town!

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