This is not a joke- democrats are desperate


Chomp Artist
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2021
Full disclosure and Background: I’m a registered Republican but my wife was and is a registered democrat, dating back to win we lived in Jax and government officers were generally run by democrats and she wanted a say in the primaries. She has some ideological Liberal views which I don’t think are well represented today by the left (that side has gone to crap imo) but we do talk politics quite a bunch because that’s what partners in life do, simply to understand each other’s positions better. It doesn’t always end well but a disagreement on something is just that, we’re both navigating life together regardless as one team.

So I return from a sales trip and we’re sitting at the breakfast table together yesterday and my wife tells me we received a package on the door. It was addressed to her and buried in the text was an intimidation statement saying “we have ways of finding out who you are voting for”. She’s also shown me a democratic email which intimated them being “pissed iff” she hadn’t responded to some request they sent her and also asking how she was voting, and making offers to put her on some democratic council as a ploy to regain support (my thoughts not hers imo) but it’s totally turned her off. She was voting for Trump regardless in 2024 because of the weak ticket and the last 4 years. (she did vote for Biden in 2020 because she fell for the bad orange man propaganda but she know the current regime stalled us in long term wealth which is undeniable)

I’m writing this for 2 reasons. 1) curious if anyone else has heard about or seeing things like this in the mail or email from the left and 2) sharing how desperate and ruthless they are getting to resort to these tactics by attempting shame or intimidation within their own party to get them back lost votes. In my own wife’s words, “I’m horrified this is what elections are coming to” but regardless of who they nominate going forward, they have a tough sell with her for years to come. Sorry for the long post but felt relevant background was needed.
I received text from 3 different sources telling me that they are disappointed in me because I wouldn’t reply to a I’m voting for Commie text. They even had the number of times they have sent it like 13 times. It’s public record I'm a registered R. One said something like you realize by us having your name and number we know who you are. I sent them to GPD not that they would do anything but I still put them on notice. I sent them to Apple also. Not that they would do anything either.🤷‍♂️

I’m from the era when it was The Proud and Free USA. You could have comedians making fun of anything or anyone without retribution or cancellation. When you could discuss politics and religion with people without stress, anger, and judgement. This concept of strong arming someone with a package or a text for your vote is 3rd world Bull💩 I get that some people don’t like Trump and his approach but there is no comparison to the way the country was run under Obama and Biden. Groceries, Gasoline, and The Border enough said. I’m retired and disabled I’ve been spending $35 to $50 on a trip to Publix the last 4 years than the previous 4 years. And the quantities have gone down. Just pick up a bag of Lays Potato Chips the bag is less than half full it’s filled tightly with air and the bag got smaller. But the price went way up. I buy everything Bogo that I can because then at least 2 bags of Lays equal one 4 years ago. 🇺🇸
I received text from 3 different sources telling me that they are disappointed in me because I wouldn’t reply to a I’m voting for Commie text. They even had the number of times they have sent it like 13 times. It’s public record I'm a registered R. One said something like you realize by us having your name and number we know who you are. I sent them to GPD not that they would do anything but I still put them on notice. I sent them to Apple also. Not that they would do anything either.🤷‍♂️

I’m from the era when it was The Proud and Free USA. You could have comedians making fun of anything or anyone without retribution or cancellation. When you could discuss politics and religion with people without stress, anger, and judgement. This concept of strong arming someone with a package or a text for your vote is 3rd world Bull💩 I get that some people don’t like Trump and his approach but there is no comparison to the way the country was run under Obama and Biden. Groceries, Gasoline, and The Border enough said. I’m retired and disabled I’ve been spending $35 to $50 on a trip to Publix the last 4 years than the previous 4 years. And the quantities have gone down. Just pick up a bag of Lays Potato Chips the bag is less than half full it’s filled tightly with air and the bag got smaller. But the price went way up. I buy everything Bogo that I can because then at least 2 bags of Lays equal one 4 years ago. 🇺🇸
Good post. Like the rest of us, Trump is a flawed individual . That said if anyone has an issue with him and the way that he does things that is largely a media creation and people who buy into that tend not to be independent thinkers. We are electing politicians based on their policies, and how those policies effect the American people. So you will forgive me if I don't care one bit about brashness.

There is really only one choice, The other choice is a brain dead communist who is perhaps the most incompetent politician who has ever existed. And every single one of her advertisements is a lie. Trump is not raising taxes on the middle-class or doing anything else that the other side says., other than closing the border ...
Full disclosure and Background: I’m a registered Republican but my wife was and is a registered democrat, dating back to win we lived in Jax and government officers were generally run by democrats and she wanted a say in the primaries. She has some ideological Liberal views which I don’t think are well represented today by the left (that side has gone to crap imo) but we do talk politics quite a bunch because that’s what partners in life do, simply to understand each other’s positions better. It doesn’t always end well but a disagreement on something is just that, we’re both navigating life together regardless as one team.

So I return from a sales trip and we’re sitting at the breakfast table together yesterday and my wife tells me we received a package on the door. It was addressed to her and buried in the text was an intimidation statement saying “we have ways of finding out who you are voting for”. She’s also shown me a democratic email which intimated them being “pissed iff” she hadn’t responded to some request they sent her and also asking how she was voting, and making offers to put her on some democratic council as a ploy to regain support (my thoughts not hers imo) but it’s totally turned her off. She was voting for Trump regardless in 2024 because of the weak ticket and the last 4 years. (she did vote for Biden in 2020 because she fell for the bad orange man propaganda but she know the current regime stalled us in long term wealth which is undeniable)

I’m writing this for 2 reasons. 1) curious if anyone else has heard about or seeing things like this in the mail or email from the left and 2) sharing how desperate and ruthless they are getting to resort to these tactics by attempting shame or intimidation within their own party to get them back lost votes. In my own wife’s words, “I’m horrified this is what elections are coming to” but regardless of who they nominate going forward, they have a tough sell with her for years to come. Sorry for the long post but felt relevant background was needed.

I haven't got anything like that here in FL but I have heard people in places like PA and WI have. My guess is if it was being done the opposite way the FBI would be on it like bombs were being sent through the mail.
If you are feeling threatened by things you receive in the mail, you need to contact the Post Office or the cops.
I received text from 3 different sources telling me that they are disappointed in me because I wouldn’t reply to a I’m voting for Commie text. They even had the number of times they have sent it like 13 times. It’s public record I'm a registered R. One said something like you realize by us having your name and number we know who you are. I sent them to GPD not that they would do anything but I still put them on notice. I sent them to Apple also. Not that they would do anything either.🤷‍♂️

I’m from the era when it was The Proud and Free USA. You could have comedians making fun of anything or anyone without retribution or cancellation. When you could discuss politics and religion with people without stress, anger, and judgement. This concept of strong arming someone with a package or a text for your vote is 3rd world Bull💩 I get that some people don’t like Trump and his approach but there is no comparison to the way the country was run under Obama and Biden. Groceries, Gasoline, and The Border enough said. I’m retired and disabled I’ve been spending $35 to $50 on a trip to Publix the last 4 years than the previous 4 years. And the quantities have gone down. Just pick up a bag of Lays Potato Chips the bag is less than half full it’s filled tightly with air and the bag got smaller. But the price went way up. I buy everything Bogo that I can because then at least 2 bags of Lays equal one 4 years ago. 🇺🇸
KInd of hard for them to threaten me with an arm twist because I've been a registered Republican since I turned 18. That would be an act of futility. I get an annoying amount of texts from the GOP but I just ignore them. Only once this year did I get a text asking me to vote for Whoremella. It's the only one out of all them that I responded to. I texted back EFF OFF, but not spelled exactly like that.
Oh right, I forgot, the Post Office and the cops are all in on the big anti-Trump conspiracy.
It’s not anti-Trump. It’s let’s do everything we can to continue our control over the government. It would be anti-against them.
And I’m not a conspiracy guy. But it’s fairly painfully obvious that the bureaucracy wants to stay in power and whoever will ally with the bureaucracy is who they’re going to help.

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