Louisiana TANF (welfare) rate is 1/3 of 1 percent. Low income housing is a bit higher, around 2%. WIC (Women Infants and Children) food stamps is around 3%. SNAP food stamps for children is around 10%.
So, sorry, no, there isn't a "three deep" list of generational welfare recipients in Louisiana. The most I can give you is maybe some of the 2% of low income housing people have been there a while. But you know what low income housing people have to have in order to qualify? INCOME.
Here's the rub. You ever study economics? Well, there is such a thing as cost of production. If McDonald's wants to sell a burger, they have to set up a restaurant, buy all the fixin's, ship them to the store, and have then cooked and assembled for sale. So facilities, transportation, and food are all costs to the organization in order to sell that burger. Now, who pays for all those things. Why, McDonalds does! Does the government step in and pay for any of that? Nope. McDonalds is in it's own.
Oh, wait, we forgot one production cost. The people needed to cook and sell the burger. Now, does McDonalds pay for that unit of production? Nope, no entirely. Many McDonalds employees need rental assistance, food supplements to help feed their children, day care supplements to help pay for the care of their children, and health insurance. McDonalds only pays a portion of the costs required to have that unit of production. Without those supplements, that human capital would be unable to work at McDonalds and McDonalds, in order to have that human capital available, would have to pay the full cost.
So in essence, the recipient of that government assistance isn't the people for whom you have so much scorn, it's actually McDonalds.
You want to end government assistance? Then require companies to pay the full cost of their human capital without a government handout. This will also help to reduce the deficit, another thing you claim to care so much about.