There is NO WAY they play come September...


Bull Gator
Jan 30, 2002
85+ players plus coaches and support staff makes well OVER 100 and what do you do when just ONE tests positive game week? He or she could have possibly infected anyone of those 100+ people who could infect the other team?

Even if they did have a season ( ALL Commissioners are saying NO FOOTBALL if no kid on campus ) you won’t have fans in the stands.

Go Bucs!

Shit they ain’t playing either...
Didn't the murder guy, Jeff Demps, and J Cunningham get the swine flu leading up to the 09 UT and UK games?

That same year Wisconsin had 40 players sick and Ole Miss around 20 or something?
They are going to play....this stuff is going down. There will there be fans in the many will be allowed is going to be the question. They will test the players but there is going to be a season.

Things have to get back to some type of normalcy. People need to get back to work too. All though this is a pretty contagious thing...the flu is worse. This whole thing is so's crazy to me how retarded things have gotten. I'm not wearing a mask anymore or doing a bunch of BS. I'll sanitize and be careful but I'm tired of this crap.
Who cares let the games be played, i will be in the champions club sippin on my rum and pineapple/cranberry juice.... Not rly but hey... Just giving u a visual
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The SEC wants to reopen on June 1st for athletics.

Tennis-sea's AD Phat Phil, and Choke-la-homo's HC Riley Coyote say NO, that's to early.
They play each other in Sept and are about to chit their pants over returning to normal.
IMO, they both need to stick to football, because they are clueless about Co-V.
They get my 'Wuss of the Week' award for their cowardice.
(gatorshime can join them)

The SEC wasn't build by cowards,,, or by idiots. They will play and UF will be back open.
DeSantis is no Calif or NY wuss... He's already offered the NFL the Swamp on Sundays.
There won’t be any fans in the stands for the beginning of the season.
Gotta be back on campus and heard UF not deciding until July 15. That is a very late date. They’ll play but Practice in January with games starting in February looks like a real possibility.

Schools can’t wait until July 15 to decide. June 15-June 30th seems realistic to make a decision. By then we will have an idea of where things are headed.
There won’t be any fans in the stands for the beginning of the season.

Which i think is a huge mistake. The amount of rev lost by that decision would be catastrophic. Schools make about 40% rev from filling the stadium. I hope the ACC allows fans and gives us an edge in money. I would go, 100%. Im not saying ur prediction is wrong, im saying i think its a horrible idea
Florida’s administration waiting until July 15 is very late. I thought Shands and our Administration had a plan or would develop a plan.
Playing the games with no fans is better than not playing the games at all. Would still get revenues from TV which is better than nothing.
100% and I'm not sure of the other numbers but the TV contracts are general merchandise is a huge revenue with sponsors...yeah filling the seats a big factor too. Just hope that UF makes a decision before July 15th if that's the actual date.

I think as certain universities start making decisions with state governments...which are happening now, if it's before the date some are saying, others will fall in line pretty quickly.
Playing the games with no fans is better than not playing the games at all. Would still get revenues from TV which is better than nothing.

I assume this is true but I'd love to hear someone that actually knows the numbers, break even points for smaller schools etc.

At some point I'd think just the TV money would be enough.
I don't know what the liberal idiots who run most colleges and universities are going to decide about fall football (and other fall sports), but there are plenty of medical experts out there who say the whole pandemic thing is way overblown and shuttering the economy while keeping people home have just made things worse. Here's a lengthy, but informative, article that takes a very strong position on that. I say, Play Ball and open up society!
The real issue here is not revenue based.
And it's not based on sports fans desires.

It's based on INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM and their GOD given unalienable rights.
The Constitution puts limits on what any level of government can do or decide.
Note: Shands has HCQ on hand and available for use.

Age and health is not for governments at any level to decide, be it SEC, NCAA, or at the state or federal levels.
The individual 'SOVEREIGN' citizens get to decide for themselves what they do, unless we've decided that discrimination is both allowed and okay... :oops:

Supposed 'Institutions of Higher Learning' should be aware of those facts, IF they weren't ate up with socialist liberals that hate freedom, capitalism, and the government limiting Constitution with it's Bill of Rights. o_O

The correct policy is to fully open, and then let the sovereign citizens decide what they want to do:
Stay locked up at home on unemployment, quaking in their boots.
Get on with living life in the FREEDOMS that were fought for by brave men and women, back then and up to right now. :cool:

IF the gutless wusses stay at home, then it won't be too crowed for the brave that show up for their classes or for the games.

UF canceled football to fight in WWII.
Now it's time to return to normal to fight the enemies of Freedom and Liberty by playing football and the other sports. o_O

Pressure to OPEN BY JUNE 1ST.
The real issue here is not revenue based.
And it's not based on sports fans desires.

It's based on INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM and their GOD given unalienable rights.
The Constitution puts limits on what any level of government can do or decide.
Note: Shands has HCQ on hand and available for use.

Age and health is not for governments at any level to decide, be it SEC, NCAA, or at the state or federal levels.
The individual 'SOVEREIGN' citizens get to decide for themselves what they do, unless we've decided that discrimination is both allowed and okay... :oops:

Supposed 'Institutions of Higher Learning' should be aware of those facts, IF they weren't ate up with socialist liberals that hate freedom, capitalism, and the government limiting Constitution with it's Bill of Rights. o_O

The correct policy is to fully open, and then let the sovereign citizens decide what they want to do:
Stay locked up at home on unemployment, quaking in their boots.
Get on with living life in the FREEDOMS that were fought for by brave men and women, back then and up to right now. :cool:

IF the gutless wusses stay at home, then it won't be too crowed for the brave that show up for their classes or for the games.

UF canceled football to fight in WWII.
Now it's time to return to normal to fight the enemies of Freedom and Liberty by playing football and the other sports. o_O

Pressure to OPEN BY JUNE 1ST.
Correctumundo! It should be about freedom of choice. If a business chooses to stay open, if people choose to leave their homes and do business with open businesses. It is not for the government to dictate who is essential or non-essential, which people can earn a living and which have to exist on the government dole. If we the people allow these things to happen, which the vast majority have done over the last 2 months, then we are no longer America under a Constitution, but a tyranny who ignores the Constitution and allows our "glorious" leaders to tell how we can live. It's insanity what's going on now, but we're to blame for letting it happen and for continuing to elect over and over the imbeciles who think they know best for us minions.
I assume this is true but I'd love to hear someone that actually knows the numbers, break even points for smaller schools etc.

At some point I'd think just the TV money would be enough.

Most schools non sec barely are in the green, if they lose 40% rev, they are in trouble. I would assume even some sec schools would be in trouble. That is a TON of money that you just cant replicate. Your boosters might be able to carry the load some for 1 yr or even a half of a yr but i dont forsee an entire season of no fans.... Doesnt seem likely
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Most schools non sec barely are in the green, if they lose 40% rev, they are in trouble. I would assume even some sec schools would be in trouble. That is a TON of money that you just cant replicate. Your boosters might be able to carry the load some for 1 yr or even a half of a yr but i dont forsee an entire season of no fans.... Doesnt seem likely

!00% on point. I was mostly just covering the gator/major university types. I'd love to hear a real finance guy talk through it.

Say you could run a program like UF on TV-only money. How would that look...the loss in game day revenue, how would that look? Would you have to pay the visiting teams less? Could a team like Towson take less? Would they cancel?

I'm sure you could make it would but there'd still have to be a ton of concessions.

Mid majors and others on the fringe probably could get by but they'd have to lower their costs SUBSTANTIALLY. Would a coach at Utah take less salary to keep the team afloat? How about the assistants? Etc.
I think they should let people go who want to go. Dont allow anyone over 65 or if someone has a pre existing med condition.

Why on not allowing someone over 65? That's pretty arbitrary, and certainly discriminatory.
...and how are you going to know someone has a "pre-existing medical condition"

IMO the season will have to start off with no fans, then hopefully allowing the player's parents, the band, and a limited number of students. If that is successful then allow other fans, maybe 1/10th of capacity to start with. The stadiums can be set up in 8 quadrants with restricted entrances and exits. Take everybody's temperatures at entrances. All players, coaches, staff, etc will have to be tested weekly, "active' rosters on game day will be reduced to something like 60 players.
It's actually easier to protect the players than the fans,

Bottom lime it will all come down to what the virus in doing, if it gets worse between now and the fall,we're done, and who says it will be better in the winter or spring?
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I think they should let people go who want to go. Dont allow anyone over 65 or if someone has a pre existing med condition.

Why on not allowing someone over 65? That's pretty arbitrary, and certainly discriminatory.
...and how are you going to know someone has a "pre-existing medical condition"

IMO the season will have to start off with no fans, then hopefully allowing the player's parents, the band, and a limited number of students. If that is successful then allow other fans, maybe 1/10th of capacity to start with. The stadiums can be set up in 8 quadrants with restricted entrances and exits. Take everybody's temperatures at entrances. All players, coaches, staff, etc will have to be tested weekly, "active' rosters on game day will be reduced to something like 60 players.
It's actually easier to protect the players than the fans,

Bottom lime it will all come down to what the virus in doing, if it gets worse between now and the fall,we're done, and who says it will be better in the winter or spring?
I don't know what the liberal idiots who run most colleges and universities are going to decide about fall football (and other fall sports), but there are plenty of medical experts out there who say the whole pandemic thing is way overblown and shuttering the economy while keeping people home have just made things worse. Here's a lengthy, but informative, article that takes a very strong position on that. I say, Play Ball and open up society!

News with views. Are you kidding me?

You are giving us News with Views as if that is anything anybody should pay any attention to at all.

Correctumundo! It should be about freedom of choice. If a business chooses to stay open, if people choose to leave their homes and do business with open businesses. It is not for the government to dictate who is essential or non-essential, which people can earn a living and which have to exist on the government dole. If we the people allow these things to happen, which the vast majority have done over the last 2 months, then we are no longer America under a Constitution, but a tyranny who ignores the Constitution and allows our "glorious" leaders to tell how we can live. It's insanity what's going on now, but we're to blame for letting it happen and for continuing to elect over and over the imbeciles who think they know best for us minions.

What you are describing isn't freedom, it's anarchy. The USA has never been what you just stated. For example, if a restaurant fails a health inspection, can it just "choose" to stay open? Of course not. The government can close any business they want any time they want.

But here's a question: Does this mean you are going to vote against Trump and Yoho in the fall? Actually, looking at Marion county's legislators, it's 10-1 Republican. So can we count on you to vote the Democratic ticket then? You can sure get all those "glorious leaders" out that way! Tell all your friends to do the same! That'll show 'em! This article seems to say students will be back on campus for the fall semester, which should mean that football and other fall sports are a go.
What you are describing isn't freedom, it's anarchy. The USA has never been what you just stated. For example, if a restaurant fails a health inspection, can it just "choose" to stay open? Of course not. The government can close any business they want any time they want.

But here's a question: Does this mean you are going to vote against Trump and Yoho in the fall? Actually, looking at Marion county's legislators, it's 10-1 Republican. So can we count on you to vote the Democratic ticket then? You can sure get all those "glorious leaders" out that way! Tell all your friends to do the same! That'll show 'em!
The more draconian and abusive governmental measures have pretty much all been taken by Democrat governors and Democrat mayors. Those are in the liberal states and cities where they want to stay closed and closely controlled until there is a cure or vaccine. Republican governors and mayors have followed recommendations made by the President & so-called medical experts and I believe those have been way too much. Florida's governor, Georgia governor and others, as well as North Dakota's governor (who refused to lock down her state at all), have been much more reasonable in trusting people to use common sense. Dem leaders think they are the only smart one and us dumb peons just need to shut up and do what they say or else. As statistics continue to come in and more medical experts are speaking up, it is apparent that this virus is not much different from the flu and isolation and lockdown measures have increased the virus problem as well as destroying the economy and millions of lives. I refer you back to the article linked in the previous post (and there are many more out there like it now), for FACTS & EVIDENCE that supports this position. So, even though ALL politicians bear some responsibility, it's the Democrat Party who never lets a crisis go to waste and will use every opportunity to take more and more freedoms away from us and force more and more people onto the government tit. And according the the Constitution, the government cannot and should never be allowed to close any business anytime they want. There is a thing called due process that has to be followed.
As for Marion County, our mayor said a few weeks ago he and law enforcement would not enforce the orders regarding business and social distancing. Our church group has never stopped meeting for Bible study and worship and we've not stopped shopping and eating out and doing the things we normally do. This is a common sense, basically conservative county.
  • Like
Reactions: instaGATOR This article seems to say students will be back on campus for the fall semester, which should mean that football and other fall sports are a go.

The more draconian and abusive governmental measures have pretty much all been taken by Democrat governors and Democrat mayors. Those are in the liberal states and cities where they want to stay closed and closely controlled until there is a cure or vaccine. Republican governors and mayors have followed recommendations made by the President & so-called medical experts and I believe those have been way too much. Florida's governor, Georgia governor and others, as well as North Dakota's governor (who refused to lock down her state at all), have been much more reasonable in trusting people to use common sense. Dem leaders think they are the only smart one and us dumb peons just need to shut up and do what they say or else. As statistics continue to come in and more medical experts are speaking up, it is apparent that this virus is not much different from the flu and isolation and lockdown measures have increased the virus problem as well as destroying the economy and millions of lives. I refer you back to the article linked in the previous post (and there are many more out there like it now), for FACTS & EVIDENCE that supports this position. So, even though ALL politicians bear some responsibility, it's the Democrat Party who never lets a crisis go to waste and will use every opportunity to take more and more freedoms away from us and force more and more people onto the government tit. And according the the Constitution, the government cannot and should never be allowed to close any business anytime they want. There is a thing called due process that has to be followed.
As for Marion County, our mayor said a few weeks ago he and law enforcement would not enforce the orders regarding business and social distancing. Our church group has never stopped meeting for Bible study and worship and we've not stopped shopping and eating out and doing the things we normally do. This is a common sense, basically conservative county.

Yes, I figured somehow you would make it about the Democrats, even though the Republicans are pretty much in charge right now.

But here's a little tip for ya , bub. Other people have the right to vote their own representation as well as you do yours. It's one thing to say you want to vote out the president. He represents us all. But who the hell are you to tell other cities and states they need to vote the way you want them to? Stay in your lane.

Oh, and I worked for a few years in Marion county. Lot of people who thought they knew everything, but all they really knew was horse shit.
If the numbers continuing to stabilize or even fall in the states that have reopened, the pressure will mount considerably on those states that remain locked down. As we learn the more, there is becoming a split within the scientific community as to what the appropriate approach should have been. This debate is just heating up.
Yes, I figured somehow you would make it about the Democrats, even though the Republicans are pretty much in charge right now.

But here's a little tip for ya , bub. Other people have the right to vote their own representation as well as you do yours. It's one thing to say you want to vote out the president. He represents us all. But who the hell are you to tell other cities and states they need to vote the way you want them to? Stay in your lane.

Oh, and I worked for a few years in Marion county. Lot of people who thought they knew everything, but all they really knew was horse shit.
The clueless idiot strikes again, making accusations that are not true. Crawl back under your rock Lizardboy. You have no credibility at all because you never use facts or statistic. It's always Fake news talking points.
Clueless little Lizzy, throws yet another ignorant tizzy. :confused:
Everything is as it should be.... :D
The clueless idiot strikes again, making accusations that are not true. Crawl back under your rock Lizardboy. You have no credibility at all because you never use facts or statistic. It's always Fake news talking points.

You must be a Nole in disguise. You are too dumb to be a Gator.

See, we all vote for president/VP, Floridians vote for senators, and every other position is a local election.

Now, the president is Republican, both Florida Senators are Republican, all 3 Marion County US Reps are Republican, all 3 Marion County State Senators are Republican, 2 out of 3 State Representatives are Republican, and all 5 County Commissioners are Republican. Facts enough for you?

So if you say it's Democrats that need to be voted out, and you have no Democrats that you can vote out, you are saying that other people need to vote out their choices, and instead vote for your choices. And what right do you have to tell other people how to vote? None.

You really are a typical Ocalan. Pompous, arrogant, inflated sense of self-worth, etc, etc etc.

It's really is sad how I have to break everything down into tiny little pieces to help you understand what I am talking about.
So, now it's settled. Nobody has a right to voice an opinion on someone else's choices in anything, because that's the way that little Lizzy see things... :confused:

BTW -- Do we also have to all line up and goose step for ya? :cool:
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So, now it's settled. Nobody has a right to voice an opinion on someone else's choices in anything, because that's the way that little Lizzy see things... :confused:

BTW -- Do we also have to all line up and goose step for ya? :cool:

You're blocked for a reason. Idiot.
I am a registered Republican just so I can vote in the primary elections, since Florida has closed primaries. Both parties are to blame for the mess this country is in. Both are beholden to different special interests and we the people are seldom factored in, except as a source of revenue to fund their pork. And yet we keep putting the same people back in office - both parties. In fact, I am a Tea Party Conservative with Libertarian leanings in some areas and will vote for any candidate of any party who upholds the ideals of limited government, low taxes, upholding and enforcing all laws equally, not using our military as a world police force and abiding by the Constitution. The Democrat Party has moved so far left JFK's beliefs would make him a Republican today and there are only a small group within the GOP who are true conservative constitutionalists. It's a sad state our country is in, as each generation gets dumber and dumber and most people no longer understand the concept of critical or rational thinking. I truly fear for what America will look like when my 4 grandkids are adults. The national debt alone is going to force a financial collapse at some point. The national debt doubled under Obama's 8 years and we've added another 4-5 trillion to that number in 3+ years under Trump, much of it over the last 2 months as "stimulus". It's unsustainable and nobody is willing to do what's necessary to start to fix it. As long as people keep getting their "stuff" from Uncle Sam they'll keep voting these jackasses back into office so they can continue to empire build at our expense, mortgaging the well being of future generations. Can't last.
You must be a Nole in disguise. You are too dumb to be a Gator.

See, we all vote for president/VP, Floridians vote for senators, and every other position is a local election.

Now, the president is Republican, both Florida Senators are Republican, all 3 Marion County US Reps are Republican, all 3 Marion County State Senators are Republican, 2 out of 3 State Representatives are Republican, and all 5 County Commissioners are Republican. Facts enough for you?

So if you say it's Democrats that need to be voted out, and you have no Democrats that you can vote out, you are saying that other people need to vote out their choices, and instead vote for your choices. And what right do you have to tell other people how to vote? None.

You really are a typical Ocalan. Pompous, arrogant, inflated sense of self-worth, etc, etc etc.

It's really is sad how I have to break everything down into tiny little pieces to help you understand what I am talking about.
Both of you you have been on this board for 10 years or more...come on guys
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If the numbers continuing to stabilize or even fall in the states that have reopened, the pressure will mount considerably on those states that remain locked down. As we learn the more, there is becoming a split within the scientific community as to what the appropriate approach should have been. This debate is just heating up.
Numbers aren’t falling in some areas.