Per usual the Democrats are a complete disaster. Mueller already issued a report saying the charges couldn’t be proved and then told everyone not to call him to testify because he wouldn’t say shit. He even requested the DOJ opinion letter, limiting the scope of his testimony. Then they call him anyway, and turn it into the biggest spectacle possible and surprise.... he doesn’t say shit. Democrats are so incompetent, they are a national embarrassment. They don’t deserve to be elected dog catcher.
Not only do I agree, but I will take it a step farther and suggest that the same applies to 90% of the Republicans.
The WORST day for the GOP establishment was Jan.1, 1995. They NEVER wanted Power because once you have power, you are expected to get things accomplished. With only 2 hiccups in 1946 and 1952, the Repubics were totally content to let the democrats run Congress from Jan 1, 1931, while they whined enough during campaigning to con voters into re-electing them to go back to DC and do nothing.
They NEVER wanted to be in charge and wanted to kill Newt. He forced them to lower the the raise in "Ted Kennedy" 1978 "current Services Baseline" . where by EVERY budget is automatically raised by 11% every year and any amount less than an 11% INCREASE is called a Cut.
The Republicans did ALL the hard work in the late 1990's and Bill Clinton, who not only did NOTHING to lower deficits but fought them every year, got all the credit. So after the 1998 elections where the GOP lost a few seats, the RINOs ousted Newt and replaced him with a Gerry Sandusky type little boy rapist.
Then once they had the White House, they threw open the doors of the Treasury and started spending like drunken Kennedy's.
We were warned by Eisenhower about the things to come.2 years before Ted Kennedy came up with the "Current Services Baseline, the National Debt was 680,000 Billion. That was for 200 years of paying for all the wars, land purchases, government buildings, Great Depression, etc. ( It was the year I graduated H/S so knowing things like the National Debt and Civics was expected of graduating Seniors)
In the years between 1981-2000, the National Debt went from 1 Trillion to 5 Trillion. Now thanks to Bush the stupid bastard, Owebama the Kenyan Moslem and Queen Nan and Trump, the National Debt has gone up by another 18 trillion.
Under Eisenhower, we not only got the Interstate System, it long ago paid for itself via the Federal Gasoline and Diesel taxes, FET taxes, OTR Taxes, etc.
FDR electrified the South-east and Northwest. Created vast reservoirs and irrigation systems that turned California's desert into the nation's bread basket. He built nearly every Federal Building still in use. Schools, roads, sewer systems, etc. Then he saved the world from Hitler and Japan's evil plans by building the US and Allied Military's using American built weapons
Reagan rebuilt the military gutted by Carter and delivered the F-15, F-16, B-1, F-18, A-10 ( Warthog) along with the M1-A1 Abrams tanks, troop carriers, ships, and much other military hardware used by every President since him.
Clinton, Bush and Owebama spent nearly 7x more than those three.
And the American People didn't get shit for the 17 Trillion Dollars spent by them.
Yeah but we're diverse.2 years before Ted Kennedy came up with the "Current Services Baseline, the National Debt was 680,000 Billion. That was for 200 years of paying for all the wars, land purchases, government buildings, Great Depression, etc. ( It was the year I graduated H/S so knowing things like the National Debt and Civics was expected of graduating Seniors)
In the years between 1981-2000, the National Debt went from 1 Trillion to 5 Trillion. Now thanks to Bush the stupid bastard, Owebama the Kenyan Moslem and Queen Nan and Trump, the National Debt has gone up by another 18 trillion.
Under Eisenhower, we not only got the Interstate System, it long ago paid for itself via the Federal Gasoline and Diesel taxes, FET taxes, OTR Taxes, etc.
FDR electrified the South-east and Northwest. Created vast reservoirs and irrigation systems that turned California's desert into the nation's bread basket. He built nearly every Federal Building still in use. Schools, roads, sewer systems, etc. Then he saved the world from Hitler and Japan's evil plans by building the US and Allied Military's using American built weapons
Reagan rebuilt the military gutted by Carter and delivered the F-15, F-16, B-1, F-18, A-10 ( Warthog) along with the M1-A1 Abrams tanks, troop carriers, ships, and much other military hardware used by every President since him.
Clinton, Bush and Owebama spent nearly 7x more than those three.
And the American People didn't get shit for the 17 Trillion Dollars spent by them.
Per usual the Democrats are a complete disaster. Mueller already issued a report saying the charges couldn’t be proved and then told everyone not to call him to testify because he wouldn’t say shit. He even requested the DOJ opinion letter, limiting the scope of his testimony. Then they call him anyway, and turn it into the biggest spectacle possible and surprise.... he doesn’t say shit. Democrats are so incompetent, they are a national embarrassment. They don’t deserve to be elected dog catcher.
We were warned by Eisenhower about the things to come.
You and i were children when this warning was issued.
I would love to talk with you privately one day.
That way, you wouldn't be able to see that 3rd eyeball
in the middle of my forehead when i ask and tell you things.
I believe we share some things in common!
Someone mentioned that you were going through some
things right now in your personal life that i went through 2 and a half
years ago. Hang in there and fight like hell!
Let me know and I'll post my cell number. Nail and DC call me from time to time. I just don't want to post it and let it stay for days as there are some folks here who despise me simply because of the team I (reluctantly for the last decade) support( Matches is one. )
That way I can post it and then take it down once you have it.
Just before the hearing, Mr Fudge Packer had the libtard Taiwanese Ted Lieu on his show explaining how he and the other cRats prepped so hard by conducting a mock hearing with prepped questioning. It was obvious the Republicans were far more prepared. It was ultimately hilarious how Joy Behar said the Republicans were very disrespectful towards Mueller at the hearing.Where's Don Lemon? Hey Don. Tell us about this Negro who doesn't read. Bad news, Don. Even a lot of the Dimms have figured out your boy Boob Mueller.
I'll let you know for sure.Let me know and I'll post my cell number. Nail and DC call me from time to time. I just don't want to post it and let it stay for days as there are some folks here who despise me simply because of the team I (reluctantly for the last decade) support( Matches is one. )
That way I can post it and then take it down once you have it.
The funniest part is, this is all because they hate Trump and are so blinded by their hate of him that they are so desperate to keep trying hail marys to try to get rid of him.
And every one that fails just bolsters Trump's support even more.
The funny part is, if the dems had COMPLETELY ignored Trump from the start and the media had completely ignored him, a good chunk of the moderate and dem support he has siphoned off wouldn't be his right now. IOW, if the dems hadn't gotten out of their own way, 2020 would actually be a contested race at this point.
Trump has driven the dems mad and to tell the country who they really are. That's why you are losing.
Actually...the dem and repub voters are all losing...and so are the American voters...both sets of voters must love deepening debt...continuous wars...the American empire being the world's policeman...TSA, NSA, a CONgre$$ that can't handle money or keep Wall Street in line...but fight with each other over mostly social issues that really don't amount to much of anything...all the while the Titanic keeps listing...and the same one who really control the action continue to control the action...and 95% of the voters are perpetually offended and victimized...but the voters will still stand in line to vote for the lesser of the two evils...fight with each other in public (and on internet forums)...amusing how many can't seem to remember/realize these intra-family squabbles and internet forums are now reduced to where these are about the only places "where your voices are really heard."...CONgress and the big-boy/girl power brokers ain't studyin' on your wimpy voices...nor are the ballot machines so many millions go visit every two years in November...but knock yourselves out.
Agent Orange
Posts like this will be fun to look back on in 10 years.
What a time to be alive.
10 is a hard metric number.
Time cannot exist without the degradation of energy.
Spoken by a afficienado of the Laws of Thermo it seems.... entropy is universal and inevitable
Unless you’re insta-fool![]()
It is my understanding that energy can never be can be changed from one form to another.
Agent Orange
It is my understanding that energy can never be can be changed from one form to another.
Agent Orange
It also states that the entropy can never be negative.
Agent Orange