Reagan was alright, I don't remember him to be honest, I do remember Bush I winning as a kid, but I don't ever remember Reagan as anything other than a former POTUS. I weapt when he died. But I didn't really know why.
Reagan did several things that have resulted in bad outcomes, if you're conservative.
First, as governors of CA, he allowed no-fault divorse to pass, which resulted in divorce becoming a valuable item that lawyers without scruples now get to mine from our society, hurting families, and harming the nation, millions of children.
Second, he was also instrumental in the decay of the moral guidelines that Hollywood was required to stay within at one time.
Plus, the amnesty. Reagan made a seemingly rational deal to trade an amnesty of some 3 million illegal aliens for actual border security going forward.
They got their green cards, and ballot access, but the border situation only got worse. And Reagan, and Bush presided over this.
Bush signed NAFTA, which gutted our manufacturing base in the midwest.
He won the cold war, he wasn't all bad.
What I'm suggesting is this. Recently I've stopped thinking of myself as a Republican, and thinking Democrats are my political enemies.
Republicans in 2019 are as left as Obama was in 2008. The Republican base hasn't moved, but the party seems to resent it's base.
The Democrats are the face of whatever entity it is that truly runs this country, and Republicans are just controlled opposition.
The Republican Party has got to die, for Americans to live.