Good thing MDF didn't catch them doing this...
Mega Dumb Fuch actually drives a Chrysler 200.Good thing MDF didn't catch them doing this...
It’s dark upstairs
What a savage he is. He left his purses on the floor. Bad decorum. 😂
Have you seen her nasty looking stepdaughter with the hairy armpits?
Have you seen her nasty looking stepdaughter with the hairy armpits?
Lines in!! What a pain in the ass!
Nah. Ron won't even get wet. As for me, I'm locked and loaded and ready to bug out sometime this afternoon. Boats are high in the boathouse and tied off to the straps. I spent several hours bring stuff upstairs and battening down the hatches. Crossing my fingers and hoping for a less than expected storm surge.
Just saw on the Book of Faces we are under mandatory evacuation at 2 pm. I pretended to ignore it. I'll probably leave later.
No, that was Mega Dumb Fuch.