O'Blomba ran the Oil Reserves down to almost nothing.
Trump brought the Oil Reserves back up, lowered the gas prices at the pump, and had America as a net oil and energy exporter.
Beijing Biden is again emptying out the Oil Reserves, after destroying American oil production, (killed pipeline, stopped drilling, etc). While at the same time asking Russia, China, and OPEC to increase their production for the American taxpayers to buy, while he banks his cut of their profits....
The clueless sheeple make excuses, the Fake News covers-up for the Joe/Ho's traitorous actions.
And the other 'In The Know' Rat traitors constantly attack any Constitutional Patriot that dares to stand up for their God given human freedoms and the prohibitions placed on the government by the Sovereign Peoples Constitution.
The cures for all of this is coming, and it won't be pretty for the transgressors I'm guessing....