from another poster...
Jimmy Carter was a man of impeccable character and behavior. Easily the worst POTUS in modern times until Barry came along.
Bad men (many times) make good Presidents; US Grant, Andrew Jackson, Bill Clinton... Lord Acton's argument was that "great men are almost always bad men." I'd say there is a high probability you never heard of Lord Acton.
Carry on.
He's obviously referring to you know who in this post and he pretty well sums up my thoughts as well.
Jimmy Carter was a man of impeccable character and behavior. Easily the worst POTUS in modern times until Barry came along.
Bad men (many times) make good Presidents; US Grant, Andrew Jackson, Bill Clinton... Lord Acton's argument was that "great men are almost always bad men." I'd say there is a high probability you never heard of Lord Acton.
Carry on.
He's obviously referring to you know who in this post and he pretty well sums up my thoughts as well.