Stimulus calculator from Washington Post if you are eligible

You are. You even admitted that you are compelled to 'call him out' because he mentioned his intelligence.

It doesn't bother anyone else here, but you.
You seem to be confusing being offended with enjoying pointing out his psuedo intelligence. And his overt lies and plagiarism.
Interesting, but yeah, I’m likely screwed. I really don’t think this bill helps small employers, at least what I’ve read so far - I’m holding out some hope.

A LOT of support for states and state employees

So after review, I guess there are some things for small business owners; credits for continuing to employ peeps through crisis and deferment for employee payroll taxes ..... I can do something with that - I won’t get much cash, but I can make it up elsewhere

I’m on board, now if the House would quit playing games, that would be good
He is neither a moderator nor Ghostof Spaceheater. Space left these boards without looking back years ago. And he's certainly not a Bama fan.
Speaking of moderators, do you ever hear from passoverGator. Maybe that’s who he trying to get to ban me. If so, tell him howdy for me. Me and him were buds.
In order as asked:

Remember I’m an engineer, so posting something on physics will elicit a response in kind - it’s a disease; don’t have children that become engineers. The article you posted basically is that all large matter has potential wave characteristics which can’t be ever seen because the wavelength is infinitely small; since you were posting to Ghost, I figured you were the “wave”, and Ghost can’t see you waving your middle finger

The numbered questions:

1. No

2. No, the previous Ghost was GhostofSpaceheater.... though he can gnaw on an argument like a beaver as well
I thought you meant another body part... LOL
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Good thing for me is that I will still be working through the shutdowns. NC Governor Roy Pooper said essential services, so engineering is one that is on list. Of course, we have been working remote. Some of our construction sites have slowed down, but it’s more due to the time of the year and rain. I know our surveyors have plenty of work, but they can’t get to it. It’s going to get hectic once this passes, so I’m kind of glad for the break.

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