SOTU is just like this board

"The only victories that matter in Washington are the victories for the American people".

Camera shows schitt rolling his eyes and Nadler looking down in disgust. That's a campaign ad for Trump right there.
If any of these anti-American Dims get re-elected they should horsewhip each idiot that votes for those losers.
Trump just said we will go to Mars, a dem millenial wet dream (cause this planet will soon die due to AOC's cow farts) and the dems can't even applaud that LMAO!
When Pelosi couldn't find it in her heart to stand for a military man being reunited with his family that spoke volumes about her disdain for America.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi apparently made tiny tears in her copy of President Trump’s State of the Union address — so that her speech-ripping moment could go off without a hitch.

As Trump introduced cancer-stricken radio host Rush Limbaugh — who received the Medal of Freedom during the speech — Pelosi could be seen grabbing the pages off the table.

Video shows her making what seemed to be a tearing motion and then placing the pages back on the table.

Photos of the sheets of paper show them face down on the table with small slits on the side, near where Pelosi would eventually rip them into pieces.

Vice President Mike Pence, who was seated next to the California Democrat, told “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday that it felt like she’d planned to rip the speech because “it felt like such an
White House even tweeted out the video showing her practicing the rip under the desk where she sat.

Everything is fake and scripted by the left, sheep fall for it every time. Case in point, Pres Trump was just given a standing O when introduced at the National Prayer Breakfast, pelosi stood up and applauded as well.

Sheep hoodwinked once again...
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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi apparently made tiny tears in her copy of President Trump’s State of the Union address — so that her speech-ripping moment could go off without a hitch.

As Trump introduced cancer-stricken radio host Rush Limbaugh — who received the Medal of Freedom during the speech — Pelosi could be seen grabbing the pages off the table.

Video shows her making what seemed to be a tearing motion and then placing the pages back on the table.

Photos of the sheets of paper show them face down on the table with small slits on the side, near where Pelosi would eventually rip them into pieces.

Vice President Mike Pence, who was seated next to the California Democrat, told “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday that it felt like she’d planned to rip the speech because “it felt like such an
Despicable POS and that was so contrived by the mod-squad and other leftwing wackos.
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pelosi said this morning during a press conference that she begins today trying to find the next articles of impeachment for Trump.

Are we now looking at taking back the House in addition to a Trump landslide in November? I swear I think these guys are working with Trump sometimes.
pelosi said this morning during a press conference that she begins today trying to find the next articles of impeachment for Trump.

Are we now looking at taking back the House in addition to a Trump landslide in November? I swear I think these guys are working with Trump sometimes.
Nailing the Dims coffin shut for the 2020 election.

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