So when is Trump going to declass the documents?


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
Pretty likely it happens before the midterms. But when?

Trump will want to drop it when it is THE story and sucks all the oxygen out of the room.

So that means after the Kavanaugh BS. And the FBI will likely turn over its report at earliest on Oct 5th (Thursday), so the earliest they could vote is Oct 6th.

Which would mean the earliest Trump could drop the declass would be October 9th.

The latest would likely be a week before the election, or Monday, October the 29th.

The thinking has been that as soon as the documents are declassed, it will set off a domino effect and Deep Staters will start panicking and ratting each other out, resignations, etc.

If Trump releases it around October 9th, that likely means more is coming.

If he releases it closer to the 26th, that likely means that's the only bullet he has in his gun, and he's firing it at the last minute to try to sway votes.

I personally think the declass will set off a chain of events so it will come earlier. We'll see.
Jeff Sessions has been subpoenaed to appear before Congress on Thursday with the unredacted FISA documents and associated 302s.

Could be final review by Congress before being made public. We'll see,
Jeff Sessions has been subpoenaed to appear before Congress on Thursday with the unredacted FISA documents and associated 302s.

Could be final review by Congress before being made public. We'll see,

Sessions better have evert document unredacted or face impeachment
Sessions speaking in Utah tomorrow. No doubt him and John Huber will have plenty to meet about.

All coming together...
And FYI, Sessions and Huber are likely reviewing what information can and cannot be made public. I believe information that is part of a CURRENT Grand Jury can't go public yet.

This is why Huber has to vet the information first. You CNN viewers have no idea what any of this means, of course.

Big John Huber sitting right behind Sessions.

Critical thinking alert for the CNN viewers: Why would Sessions have to appear before Congress when he gave them the documents? Why does Sessions need to be there at all if all this was about was Congress getting the documents?

Precisely. Congress told Sessions to bring certain documents with him. CRITICAL THINKING TELLS YOU that Sessions has to be there to sign off on handing those documents to Congress, and if he cannot give them to Congress he HAS TO EXPLAIN WHY HE CANNOT.

Which is why he met with Huber yesterday. Because if Huber still needs some documents for CURRENT Grand Juries, then they likely can't be made public yet, or turned over to Congress.

Especially if those Grand Juries are impaneled for SEALED indictments.

Dots starting to connect?

The show is about to begin...
Oh how things have changed. Suspect there won't be declass till after the midterms. The October Surprise is that the Republicans don't NEED an October Surprise.

Red Wave

But back to the FISA warrants on Page and Papadopalous, StealthJeff has an interesting theory -

He is wondering if in the FISA warrant, if the FBI told the FISC that one of its intelligence assets was actually a REAL russian. IOW, it's not that we caught Pappadoupalous talking to an undercover FBI agent posing as a russian, but instead, tell the court that the foreign agent that worked with you was actually a REAL russian.

That would definitely explain why certain Five Eyes partners to the US are begging Trump not to declass.