I liked Alan Keyes, he was a great candidate I thought. Cruz lost me when he did the robo calls for South Carolina I think, claiming that Ben Carson had just dropped out of the race after Iowa and to vote for him. Carson hadn't.
BTW I thought Carson was the best person by a mile running in 2016, just wasn't at all up to the task of being president IMO.
You were a victim of CNNs lies and Trump promoting those lies. Carson had no clue and was rightfully pissed and believed CNNs lies about Cruz
"Let me tell you the facts of what occurred for those who are interested in knowing: On Monday night at about 6:30 p.m., CNN reported that Ben was not going from Iowa to New Hampshire or South Carolina. Rather, he was quote taking a break from campaigning. They reported that he was taking a break from campaigning. They reported that on television, CNN’s political anchors Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer said it was highly unusual and highly significant. My political team saw CNN’s report — breaking news — and they forwarded that news to our volunteers, it was being covered on live television. Now at the time I was at the caucuses, I was getting ready to speak at the caucuses…I knew nothing about this…I reached [Carson] the next day and apologized. He asked me then, he said, Ted, would you make this apology in public? I said yes, I will, and I did so. I regret that subsequently, CNN reported on that — they didn’t correct that story until 9:15 that night. So from 6:30 p.m. to 9:15, that’s what CNN was reporting. Subsequent to that initial report, Ben’s campaign put out a statement saying that he wasn’t suspending his campaign. I wish that my campaign had seen that statement." - Ted Cruz
"Why did CNN choose to selectively report on Moody’s tweets — only the most damning part that Carson “plans to take a break from campaigning after Iowa.”
Why did it take CNN more than two hours to report the Moody tweet that made clear Carson was not dropping out?
Why is CNN lying about what Ted Cruz said?
Why is CNN using Moody’s tweets to defend
on-air reporting?
The answer is simple…
It’s a three bank-shot. The arsonists at the left-wing CNN get away clean but damage two Republican presidential candidates in the process — Carson and Cruz." -Breitbart
Brietbart was pro Trump during the campaign
I like Ben Carson but he was never going to get my vote because as you can infer he probably isn't emotionally up to the task of being POTUS and making decisions that will necessarily kill people.
Everyone else on that stage including low energy Jeb could put the Hellfire missile into the tent to kill a terrorist along with his wife and kids IF that's the only way.
Lyin' Ted Cruz was Trumps name for him from then on. It is why I did not vote for Trump. Had he been truthful himself and laid off the Lyin' Ted stuff I would have voted for him. But you don't smear my candidate like Trump did and get this mans vote. He and Ted made up. So now I can look at the job the man is doing and forgive and vote for him now. BUT I will NEVER forget or let this sh&t go unchallenged!