See here's the thing about the media and how they can paint someone. First of all, Winston is the first player in history suspended for cursing in public. How many football players do you think have said some vulgar stuff jokingly like this?? Second, you or I have no clue if Winston even shot a BB gun. That is a tradition our players have been doing for a long time but due to Winston being instant click bait, he became the face of a years long stupid tradition. But people seem to think Winston just shot up a bunch of windows wild Wild West style. Smh..Soda in a ketchup cup?? Yawn. Crab legs?? Guilty! He did it. And now we get to the reason a lot of the above minor things are even mentioned, the false rape allegations. You might not know if he did it, but anyone who has looked at the evidence finds it laughable that people actually call Winston a rapist. I'll say this Passover, do you realize this girl told two different stories at the COC hearing and the film The Hunting Ground?? That's not even counting all the other versions she has told.
LINK: I guess not everyone got the ITG's memo on how to be appalled.
I'm still waiting for the Ketchupcupgate "evidence." I listed to the 911 call and read the report. No one was ever named in the group that was called about. Not saying he didn't commit this heinous crime, I just haven't seen where he was named or even being present.
Here's the 911 call transcript:
Emily: Tallahassee Police Department, Emily speaking, how may I help you?
BKAM: Hi, I need
three teenagers removed from my store right away.
Emily: Where is your store?
BKAM: The Burger King on Tennessee St, it’s 1060 West Tennessee.
Emily: And you’re an employee there?
BKAM: I am the store…I am the Assistant Manager.
Emily: And what’s the name of the store?
BKAM: Burger King.
Emily: And what are they doing?
BKAM: Alright well, for one they’re not listening, they’re causing a big scene out front because I caught one of them stealing soda and refused to dump out their cups and I told them over and over no matter what it is it is theft and he said he didn’t care. So now he’s fighting with me and refuses to leave.
Emily: Okay. Male, female, black, white?
BKAM: Male, black,
about six foot.
Emily: All of them?
three of them, yep. And I’m like a five foot little white girl so it’s like, they’re not going to listen to me no matter what I say.
Emily: Alright, we’ll get somebody out there as soon as we can. They’re inside right now?
BKAM: Yep.
Emily: Okay, we’ll get someone out there.
BKAM: Thank you.
Emily: Uh huh, bye bye.
Again, another incident long before the average joe would recognize Winston (who hasn't played ball yet).