Saban can be a real jerk to reporters

This is obviously correct, but football players do subject themselves to physical abuse that approximates combat. There is just no overhanging threat of imminent death.
as long as they are not facing projectiles that break the sound barrier, it's nothing approximate to com bat.

i will accept rugby or boxing as a substitute.
All preseason and the week running up to the game the reporters did haunt the guy about the QB stuff. Do you blame him for reacting like he did? I stand behindSaban not these liberal reporters who is always out to make problems out of nothing..
as long as they are not facing projectiles that break the sound barrier, it's nothing approximate to com bat.

i will accept rugby or boxing as a substitute.
Must Thai and multiple other Asian based martial arts are worse than rugby or boxing. Sure boxing can get one knocked out but so can most martial art. Most martial arts teach one how to break off a limb or easily end a person's life.

Sure the word combat is extreme, sure. However vs civilian life, how many jobs require one to constantly physically push your competition around or throw them to the ground. How many students on scholarship have to do this to continue their scholarship?

Hell with all this explaining, you get it.
Maria Taylor has them legs going on in that pink dress on College Gameday while interviewing Jumbo. Bet after that he won't be grouchy if Maria ask him an annoying question. Maybe Nick should have had an early morning interview with Maria in the pink get up.