Rudy says they have cases heading to SC for PA, WI, GA, MI

Rush just played his soundbytes from this morning.

And says he thinks they have enough evidence to overturn the election in those states plus NV.

Again, this sounds like the winning team.
Notice how Lin Wood and Sidney Powell have dropped the iron fisted guantlet on the media yet no media types are going after them? Two powerful people with imppecable credentials. I wonder why that is? 😊

Check this out!
Media wants no part of any of this.

If they had the winning hand, they would be rubbing Trump's nose in this 24/7.

Tells you all you need to know.
Trump is playing the part of decoy taking all the heat while his warriors are stealthily waiting to ambush. I wonder if they are just waiting for certification of the votes to release "The Kraken". I'd love nothing more than for 100 or so prominent Democrats to be frog marched to prison in shackles. 100 might be a low head count actually.
Trump is playing the part of decoy taking all the heat while his warriors are stealthily waiting to ambush. I wonder if they are just waiting for certification of the votes to release "The Kraken". I'd love nothing more than for 100 or so prominent Democrats to be frog marched to prison in shackles. 100 might be a low head count actually.

If there is one thing that Trump is known for, it’s his subtly and stealth.
You guys really believe that Trump is some kind strategic genius. Cult of personality is a hell of a drug.

That's because we can look at what he does objectively. You cannot.

Remember when Trump started letting the media watch his meetings early on? One of the first meetings he had was with Rs and Ds on immigration. Feinstein was railing on about how the immigration problem was a disaster in this country and how Trump didnt give a shit about it and they had to come up with a better plan to solve this issue.

Trump crossed his arms, leaned back and looked at her and said :Ok. Fine. You draw me up a plan and we'll go from there."

Everyone in the room's mouth hit the floor. Feinstein giddly looked at her colleagues and said "Well? Are you ready???" and she was smiling from ear to ear. The republicans immediately dove toward Trump and whispered in his ear that he couldn't let them do this!

Then what happened?

Trump took their plan, asked "What the hell is this???' it wasn't a plan, it was a list of freebies and prizes to give away to the illegals already in the country,

Trump tricked the dems into revealing that they had no immigration plan, and wanted to take better care of the illegals than they do the LEGAL citizens in America.

Trump knew that. So he gave the dems enough rope to hang themselves.

They never saw it coming.
What's up with this Biden promise, no deportations for the first 90 days of of his "hoped for" Presidency? Is this payback for all of those illegals in CA, Texas, and AZ for their illegal votes?
Pattern recognition cannot be taught. Denver's 2020 earliest freeze on record was an irrational pattern, yet it happened. Beijing Biden winning was far more irrational but it may have happened. Sometimes teaching the Left the seven components of critical thinking has happened but rarely. WalkAway was founded for Democrats who think for themselves.
Pattern recognition cannot be taught. Denver's 2020 earliest freeze on record was an irrational pattern, yet it happened. Beijing Biden winning was far more irrational but it may have happened. Sometimes teaching the Left the seven components of critical thinking has happened but rarely. WalkAway was founded for Democrats who think for themselves.
Do you know when I read you post this it makes me feel like you think Biden actually won the election?

After all, it’s a rational but Denver did have it’s earliest freeze
Pattern recognition cannot be taught. Denver's 2020 earliest freeze on record was an irrational pattern, yet it happened. Beijing Biden winning was far more irrational but it may have happened. Sometimes teaching the Left the seven components of critical thinking has happened but rarely. WalkAway was founded for Democrats who think for themselves.
Denver's anomaly was likely real. This election was slight of hand, planned trickery as well as ill intentioned software switches. Therein lies the difference. There is no such thing as reverse coat tails, the Dims got hammered in down ballot voting. That's completely and utterly irrational. Nature abhors a vacuum. Occam's Razor rules again.
Denver's anomaly was likely real. This election was slight of hand, planned trickery as well as ill intentioned software switches. Therein lies the difference. There is no such thing as reverse coat tails, the Dims got hammered in down ballot voting. That's completely and utterly irrational. Nature abhors a vacuum. Occam's Razor rules again.
This, that we do have a saying in medicine that HIV laughs at occam’s razor
Do you know when I read you post this it makes me feel like you think Biden actually won the election?

After all, it’s a rational but Denver did have it’s earliest freeze
Biden winning MAY have happened. Very, very, very unlikely.

NASA scientists tell me we're in a Solar minimum. Not surprising to see an early freeze in Denver. I haven't seen a word about NASA scientists and a Solar minimum from Amerikan Pravda or Lester Holt on the NBC Nightly News. So BSC and the slow are clueless.
You guys really believe that Trump is some kind strategic genius. Cult of personality is a hell of a drug.
And you really believe Biden isn’t compromised by several foreign nations, didn’t launder money gained from foreign influence deals through his drug addict son and didn’t set up a cancer research foundation on the tragic death of his other son that raised $4.8MM in donations and gave $0 in grants for research.

Just good old Lunchbucket Joe, aw shucksing his way into the White House to look out for the little guy.

Cult of personality is indeed a helluva drug.
Biden winning MAY have happened. Very, very, very unlikely.

NASA scientists tell me we're in a Solar minimum. Not surprising to see an early freeze in Denver. I haven't seen a word about NASA scientists and a Solar minimum from Amerikan Pravda or Lester Holt on the NBC Nightly News. So BSC and the slow are clueless.

sunny, you really are a gem
Biden winning MAY have happened. Very, very, very unlikely.

NASA scientists tell me we're in a Solar minimum. Not surprising to see an early freeze in Denver. I haven't seen a word about NASA scientists and a Solar minimum from Amerikan Pravda or Lester Holt on the NBC Nightly News. So BSC and the slow are clueless.
This is 100% right.