I tuned in late, so I had to search for video of Nikki’s speech on the web. Putting “Nikki Haley RNC speech” into the googler led to MANY headlines saying she was booed by the crowd… and I was disappointed that she must’ve had a poor reception.
So, after I watched her speech, it was CLEAR that the crowd’s boos were directed at Biden and/or Harris whenever Nikki mentioned them or their policy failures… NOT at Nikki. MSM lies, as usual. Obviously, they want people that just skim the headlines to think the Rs were “mean-spirited” to a “woman” …so they can ramp up their War On Women! propaganda.
Haley was great, IMO. Sure, a lot of us have issues with her, and there was certainly political convenience in the air… but I’m glad she told her supporters that we don’t have to agree on everything to know Trump is the right choice.