Rep.-elect Santos admits lying about his credentials


Bull Gator
Jun 13, 2021
Republicans lying to their constituents...just another day in trump's GOP
Rep.-elect Santos admits lying about his credentials


Rep.-elect George Santos on Monday told the New York Post that he had fabricated important elements of his biography before last month's midterm elections.

“My sins here are embellishing my resume. I’m sorry,” Santos (R-N.Y.) was quoted as saying in an interview in which he also said he fully intends to serve his two-year term in Congress. He also gave an interview to WABC radio.

Among other things, Santos told the New York Post that he had not worked "directly" for Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, saying that a company he did work for did business with both of them.

He also said he had not graduated from Baruch College, nor “from any institution of higher learning.”

“I am not a criminal,” he was quoted as saying.
George Santos, newly elected New York Republican, accused of lying about being Jewish
Charles R. Davis
Wed, December 21, 2022 at 5:03 p.m. EST·2 min read
'I said I was Jew-ish': George Santos admits to lying about background
The congressman-elect previously claimed to be the grandson of Holocaust survivors, but reports exposed his grandparents did not flee Europe, but rather came from Brazil.

By i24NEWS and ILH Staff Published on 12-27-2022 08:41 Last modified: 12-27-2022 12:24
Republicans lying to their constituents...just another day in trump's GOP
Rep.-elect Santos admits lying about his credentials


Rep.-elect George Santos on Monday told the New York Post that he had fabricated important elements of his biography before last month's midterm elections.

“My sins here are embellishing my resume. I’m sorry,” Santos (R-N.Y.) was quoted as saying in an interview in which he also said he fully intends to serve his two-year term in Congress. He also gave an interview to WABC radio.

Among other things, Santos told the New York Post that he had not worked "directly" for Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, saying that a company he did work for did business with both of them.

He also said he had not graduated from Baruch College, nor “from any institution of higher learning.”

“I am not a criminal,” he was quoted as saying.
He is not worthy of the institution, should be brought up on ethics claims and removed from office.
Liar, thief, fraudster, con man...

Of course he's a trump supporter
Who Is Rep.-Elect George Santos? His Résumé May Be Largely Fiction.
Mr. Santos, a Republican from New York, says he’s the “embodiment of the American dream.” But he seems to have misrepresented a number of his career highlights.

In 2008, when Mr. Santos was 19, he stole the checkbook of a man his mother was caring for, according to Brazilian court records uncovered by The Times. Police and court records show that Mr. Santos used the checkbook to make fraudulent purchases, including a pair of shoes. Two years later, Mr. Santos confessed to the crime and was later charged. The court and local prosecutor in Brazil confirmed the case remains unresolved. Mr. Santos did not respond to an official summons, and a court representative could not find him at his given address, records show.

In the disclosure, Mr. Santos said that he was the Devolder Organization’s sole owner and managing member. He reported that the company, which is based in New York but was registered in Florida, paid him a $750,000 salary. He also earned dividends from Devolder totaling somewhere between $1 million and $5 million — even though Devolder’s estimated value was listed in the same range.

The Devolder Organization has no public-facing assets or other property that The Times could locate. Mr. Santos’s disclosure form did not provide information about clients that would have contributed to such a haul — a seeming violation of the requirement to disclose any compensation in excess of $5,000 from a single source.

Material omissions or misrepresentations on personal financial disclosures are considered a federal crime under the False Statements Act, which carries a maximum penalty of $250,000 and five years in prison. But the bar for these cases is high, given that the statute requires violations to be “knowing and willful.
So how do you justify the pony soldier sitting in the Oval Office? The guy has lied and plagiarized his entire career.
Good to see ray ray and @Uniformed_ReRe are now on board with the new standard that any politician lying should be removed from office.

Excellent. We just barred 99% of the dems and at least 90% of the RINOs from Congress, as well as removing the President* and VP*.

Now we can reboot the nation and give power back to WE THE PEOPLE.
So how do you justify the pony soldier sitting in the Oval Office? The guy has lied and plagiarized his entire career.
Bring him up on ethics charges and impeach him then. We should hold up a common bar.
With that said, and I have been exceptionally critical of the Biden administration at multiple points, starting at the Border, Santos lied about his whole background. Biden's flaws and gaffes, which are many, were not core to representing who he was.

Again, hold up a common bar. Zero issue there.
So how do you justify the pony soldier sitting in the Oval Office? The guy has lied and plagiarized his entire career.

That's different.
GOP operative convicted of funneling Russian donation to Trump’s 2016 campaign

  • Republican political operative Jesse Benton was convicted in federal court of funneling $25,000 from a Russian businessman to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.
  • The guilty verdict stemmed from money that Russian businessman Roman Vasilenko payed Benton in exchange for getting him a ticket to a Trump fundraiser so Vasilenko could get a photo with Trump.
  • Benton was convicted in 2016 of attempting to bribe an Iowa state senator on behalf of then-Rep. Ron Paul, pardoned
...and Republicans should want to do it (remove Santos) faster than anyone.
I've honestly never heard of the guy, and the OP (as well as the sources he cites) has a history of lying, so I'm not even sure if the guy is a republican or democrat.

This is more about not taking a lying troll seriously. The fact that he would even start this thread after supporting Hiden tells you its pointless to take it or him seriously.
I've honestly never heard of the guy,

So what? 🤣

and the OP (as well as the sources he cites) has a history of lying, so I'm not even sure if the guy is a republican or democrat.

"Republican political operative Jesse Benton"

"Benton was convicted in 2016 of attempting to bribe an Iowa state senator on behalf of then-Rep. Ron Paul, pardoned"

And since you want accountability for any politician...what difference does party make?

This is more about not taking a lying troll seriously. The fact that he would even start this thread after supporting Hiden tells you its pointless to take it or him seriously.

And after a series of clown posts the resident clown tries to deflect attention ...comical even for a clown 🤣
Santos won't last long...lying on his financial disclosure forms is a crime
From nothing to millions — incoming Republican Rep. George Santos' congressional financial disclosures raise more questions about his truthfulness
Madison Hall Dec 19, 2022, 4:10 PM

In both his 2020 and 2022 financial disclosures, Santos affirmed that statements he made about his finances "are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief."

But taken at face value, the documents also appear to indicate that Santos, who is now under significant public scrutiny for misrepresenting significant elements of his personal resume and history, either experienced a rapid and unexplained increase in his personal wealth, or he incorrectly disclosed details about his personal finances — a potential violation of federal conflicts-of-interest law.
Bring him up on ethics charges and impeach him then. We should hold up a common bar.
With that said, and I have been exceptionally critical of the Biden administration at multiple points, starting at the Border, Santos lied about his whole background. Biden's flaws and gaffes, which are many, were not core to representing who he was.

Again, hold up a common bar. Zero issue there.

Why? @grandhavendiddy is real

You on the other hand are a fake
You defend donald trump's corruption by saying you don't know his middleman :rolleyes:

malone claims accountability for ALL politicians...not named trump 🤣
GOP operative convicted of funneling Russian donation to Trump’s 2016 campaign

  • Republican political operative Jesse Benton was convicted in federal court of funneling $25,000 from a Russian businessman to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.
  • The guilty verdict stemmed from money that Russian businessman Roman Vasilenko payed Benton in exchange for getting him a ticket to a Trump fundraiser so Vasilenko could get a photo with Trump.
  • Benton was convicted in 2016 of attempting to bribe an Iowa state senator on behalf of then-Rep. Ron Paul, pardoned
Last edited:
Why? @grandhavendiddy is real

You on the other hand are a fake
You defend donald trump's corruption by saying you don't know his middleman :rolleyes:
So to review:

ray ray thinks $25k to Trump proves money laundering happened, but $40M to dems does NOT prove money launder happened says so.

If Trump is laundering money, he clearly sucks at it. Needs to hook up with Hiden and learn how to get his '10% for the Big Guy'.
Why? @grandhavendiddy is real

You on the other hand are a fake
You defend donald trump's corruption by saying you don't know his middleman :rolleyes:

malone claims accountability for ALL politicians...not named trump 🤣
GOP operative convicted of funneling Russian donation to Trump’s 2016 campaign

  • Republican political operative Jesse Benton was convicted in federal court of funneling $25,000 from a Russian businessman to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.
  • The guilty verdict stemmed from money that Russian businessman Roman Vasilenko payed Benton in exchange for getting him a ticket to a Trump fundraiser so Vasilenko could get a photo with Trump.
  • Benton was convicted in 2016 of attempting to bribe an Iowa state senator on behalf of then-Rep. Ron Paul, pardoned
Pretty much every post of yours is captured in the following GIF:

So to review:

ray ray thinks $25k to Trump proves money laundering happened, but $40M to dems does NOT prove money launder happened says so.

Doesn't matter what I think...he was convicted in a court of law taking money from Russians for donald trump's campaign

If Trump is laundering money, he clearly sucks at it. Needs to hook up with Hiden and learn how to get his '10% for the Big Guy'.

trump sucks at a lot of things...gets caught by law enforcement a lot
Bring him up on ethics charges and impeach him then. We should hold up a common bar.
With that said, and I have been exceptionally critical of the Biden administration at multiple points, starting at the Border, Santos lied about his whole background. Biden's flaws and gaffes, which are many, were not core to representing who he was.

Again, hold up a common bar. Zero issue there.
Biden’s entire background is a lie and he believes he accomplished everything he’s “gaffed” about. 100% of politicians lie, how the hell do you think they get elected and re-elected? How many times have they promised their constituents something and haven’t delivered? The entire premise of what it means to be a politician in the United States equates to being a Snake Oil Salesman. How are you going to get a group of 535 pathological lying elected officials to set a bar for lying when it was lying that got them there?

The entire thing is the biggest fallacy and they are masters at separating people into parties based on lies. Hell, we have posters in this same thread who can’t admit they’re wrong and do nothing but post articles from news agencies who… wait for it… LIE. The entire federal government as it stands now is based on lies and coverups and people eat this shit up like a fat kid in a candy store.
Bring him up on ethics charges and impeach him then. We should hold up a common bar.
With that said, and I have been exceptionally critical of the Biden administration at multiple points, starting at the Border, Santos lied about his whole background. Biden's flaws and gaffes, which are many, were not core to representing who he was.

Again, hold up a common bar. Zero issue there.
So your spin is yeah Hiden lied, but you don't think they were MEANINGFUL lies, so no problem?

LOL What a spectacular take.
It's calling you out as a liar.

First you claimed this guy was a republican operative. Then you changed your story and claimed he worked for Trump.

Yet Trump still isn't in jail?

malone is so dumb he thinks being a republican operative and working for trump are mutually exclusive

I don't know if I should laugh or cry at your ignorance. Truly pitiful

I'm embarrassed for you

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