Lets be honest about this. Florida was NEVER locked down. Not like lefty states. "Essential" workers were allowed to go to work in Florida. What was an essential worker? ALMOST everyone. Car dealerships were open to the public. Grocery stores, insurance offices, banks, VERY few jobs were not allowed to work. My wife was in civil service at the time, and they sent her home...with full pay. (for 6 weeks) We were THE EXAMPLE for the Nation with restaurant and bar openings. In fact...the media, and all the snowflakes nicknamed Desantis DEATHSANTIS because of his leadership. The media kept comparing him to Cuomo in NY....but that made them look like TOTAL idiots after a few months, when more people per population died in NY than in Florida...despite Florida having an older population. Cuomo ended up loosing his job because he lied on covid statistics, and ended up issuing an order that got many killed in senior living places.
It is VERY, VERY disingenuous to try this approach on DeSantis. Really to be honest...the only governors more prone to not restricting their population was places like South Dakota, who's population is VERY spread out. Secondly....monday morning QB'ing is easy after we now know that this virus was NOT as bad as what they were trying to make us believe.
Nothing like lefty states but we werent close to leading when it came to Rep states. They had a chart and I think FL fell about 11th overall as far as closures and restrictions. The reason you see Trump people pushing back on this is because they try to push DeSantis as the best on this when in reality he was just loud when the mess finally ended. He even let the lefty media talk him into a 2nd set of bar closures and restaurant restrictions because they were hollering he was killing Florida's seniors. He also pushed the vaccine like Trump did well into 2022.