Prediction time!

I respectfully disagree here. Partly. As long as federal money is IS my business. And then lets talk about the point where it IS murder. I actually believe we are closer now to a real compromise than we have ever been. Let me explain. Republicans not long ago were pro life....THE END. NO abortions. They have moved considerably on that stance. And the left has also moved...more to the left. They want unobstructed abortions. That will NEVER happen federally. Lets pick an acceptable time that they are allowed...and pass that...and let states work inside that guideline.
Actually, we do not materially disagree here and I think is a KEY difference which I had not thought about in full until now (benefit of open dialogue!)

Republicans - we want to get the government out of the decision making process and we need to focus our health care spending. If there is true health emergency, then the ACA, Medicaid and Payors will figure out what is covered and what is not. If health clinics want to provide charity care, etc., absolutely their choice.

Democrats - we want full abortion rights and for the government to pay for everyone's right to exercise.

Difference? Republicans are about choice. Democrats - centralized government spending.

On the final point, I think that was what Roberts was trying to get at with Dobbs. I think if you have somewhere between 20-22 weeks (point of viability outside the womb), most (not all) will agree with that. Past that (which is VERY rare) you are 99% of the time dealing with significant health issues. Are there example where a single mother freaks out? Sure. This is also where you need to start thinking about family support on adoption. Bring in the Pence argument (which is a good one).

Do all of that? You have a reasonable position that 60-70% of the country full agrees with.
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No, a college degree itself doesn't prove that on an individual basis. But it does on a group basis. When I went through school, almost all the smarter kids went to college. When my kids went through school, same thing. Of course there are some exceptions, but as a general rule that is the case.

But to hear the Trump crowd all the smart college kids have been brainwashed and its the guys who stayed home and became Plumbers and Electricians......its those guys who have it all figured out. I mean, you have to be part of a cult to think like that.

But I will hand it to Trump.....he surely knows how to connect with that group. That is his superpower.
In general, individuals with higher intelligence to go to college. There is truth to that. At a group level.

Completely disagree on the middle part.

Complete agree on the last part - and I am someone with a liberal arts degree, was admitted to Brown (did not go) and have two masters. And we should applaud Plumbers, GCs, Electricians, Nurses, etc. We forgot that in the 90s and 2000s. I forgot that as an individual. Trump reminded me on the dignity of work.

Final, personal note, we have land up in Traverse City, MI (Old Mission). 10 acres, we have a vineyard, and a lot of trees. I have five Stihl chainsaws. The most "fun" I have is taking my two dogs, my cart, 3 out of 5 of my chain saws, my gas mixed 50:1, and clearing downed trees and then working with my father in law with a vertical splitter for firewood. It's hard work - it's honest work. And as rewarding as any boardroom work I do - if not more.

Trump reminded us of the dignity of the above.
True, and she is just outright stupid when it comes to business, the economy, and world diplomacy. Trump's a master negotiator to get intended results. The Democrats just give our treasure away internationally, if it hurts Americans, they could not care less. The entire purpose of imposing tariffs is to bring other countries' draconian tariffs to their knees. The intended result is NOT us paying higher prices, but to force a better balance of trade which helps not only American businesses but our employment numbers as well.
We are in as much trouble, if not more than we were under Biden, if she’s elected. Biden was that old guy you could get away with anything. But he at least had a name and a reputation that preceded himself. Good or bad. She’s an absolute idiot. No world leader will respect her at all. Biden at least had his name.

We are in serious trouble in every aspect imaginable if she’s elected. She’s done a poor job at everything she’s ever done.

People think mean tweets are bad. Just wait until she gets in.
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We are in as much trouble, if not more than we were under Biden, if she’s elected. Biden was that old guy you could get away with anything. But he at least had a name and a reputation that preceded himself. Good or bad. She’s an absolute idiot. No world leader will respect her at all. Biden at least had his name.

We are in serious trouble in every aspect imaginable if she’s elected. She’s done a poor job at everything she’s ever done.

People think mean tweets are bad. Just wait until she gets in.
LOL, your a bit over the top here, but we have serious issues with either pick this time, unfortunately.

I think Trump will win, so we likely won't need to test your fears out though.
Just finished voting with our daughter, her first election. It’s proud moment for her and us, one of the greatest privileges I feel we have as citizens which I’ve explained this to her. I always say it’s hard to change the policies on who is running things if you don’t make your voice (vote) heard. On a lighter note, she tried to hand her printed ballot to the man at the ballot machine and he said “I can’t take that, you have to do it” which we laughed about later, lol. I feel Trump will and should win, but nothing is ever a given.
Just finished voting with our daughter, her first election. It’s proud moment for her and us, one of the greatest privileges I feel we have as citizens which I’ve explained this to her. I always say it’s hard to change the policies on who is running things if you don’t make your voice (vote) heard. On a lighter note, she tried to hand her printed ballot to the man at the ballot machine and he said “I can’t take that, you have to do it” which we laughed about later, lol. I feel Trump will and should win, but nothing is ever a given.
You have done your job well! God bless! Have to teach the young the honor, privilege and responsibility of voting.
LOL, your a bit over the top here, but we have serious issues with either pick this time, unfortunately.

I think Trump will win, so we likely won't need to test your fears out though.
No. We don’t have serious issues either way. We had 4 years of Trump. We were just fine.

She was dangerously inept when she was VP. Imagine how bad it can be as President.

History will prove me true if she wins
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Here is who hates Trump:

Black females
College educated white females
College educated Black men
Non college educated black men older millennial plus

The rest may be -+5 to 9 democrat but do not hate, per se.

47 - Percent of the country never want to see Trump in office again
It's more than 47%. Both elections his opponent got at least 48%. He is the one that can't crack 47%.
I may be on the board later tonite....depends on how drunk I get. I will be up most of the night watching this.
I plan to be awake and watching every bit of this if Trump wins and a particularly be the only time since 2016 that I will spend hours watching MSNBC and CNN to enjoy the meltdown
If this does not play out where Trump wins I’ll be asleep by 930 CST, lol
As a (now) proud resident....yes, Meet-chicken, lol
Auto workers are scared for their jobs. I have been in this business for 40 years. I just know with the teamsters unhappy with her, and the UAW bosses ARE backing her..but workers are NOT. And the HUGE muslim population also seems not to be. I believe I am the only one calling for this(except Trump himself! LOL)
Im alawys a little skeptical of exit polls but if this true it’s devastating to Whoremala and the RATS 🐀

Look where abortion ranks.

Good night 😴 Whoremala

The educated people always were anti Trump because they can see through his bs. There is a reason he said that he loves the uneducated.
I’ll say it again, having a college degree does not equate to intelligence so much as it does to opportunity. Isn’t that what you liberals always tell us.
I’ll say it again, having a college degree does not equate to intelligence so much as it does to opportunity. Isn’t that what you liberals always tell us.
I have a little different take..but again...let me be up front. I did not go. But to me, people that KNOW what they want to do in life and go to college for that career are VERY different than people who go to get a degree...THEN go look for a job. I will bet the success rate of the ones that go to get a degree for an actual career is WAY higher than people who go to college to get a degree. Many of those people work with Kum Allah at Mickey D's
I have a little different take..but again...let me be up front. I did not go. But to me, people that KNOW what they want to do in life and go to college for that career are VERY different than people who go to get a degree...THEN go look for a job. I will bet the success rate of the ones that go to get a degree for an actual career is WAY higher than people who go to college to get a degree. Many of those people work with Kum Allah at Mickey D's
Lotta truth in that.
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This is from #faknews ABC

this is from #fakenews CNN and the loathsome Chris Wallace

Auto workers are scared for their jobs. I have been in this business for 40 years. I just know with the teamsters unhappy with her, and the UAW bosses ARE backing her..but workers are NOT. And the HUGE muslim population also seems not to be. I believe I am the only one calling for this(except Trump himself! LOL)
You are spot on. You want to ruin the UAW? Eliminate ICE.
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NY Times predicting Trump will win MI, WI, PA, NV, GA, and the Popular Vote.

Republicans to take Senate; possibly hold House.
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