Predict Florida's record over the next four games

Predict Florida's record over the next four games

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Bull Gator
Apr 23, 2007
Predict our record over the next four games. Personally, I think n 2-2 is doable. I think we beat Mizzou and lose to LSU. I think we lose one of the Ole Miss and UGA games. Not sure which one.
Georgia and Missouri are the two you win. Don't see you beating Ole Miss or LSU at this point. But hey...that's why we play the games!
0-4, best chance at a win will be Mizzou, but they've destroyed us the last 2 years. Tenn and Kentucky haven't been our problem the last 4 years, so really we're just treading water at this point.

Very 2011-ish start to the season, except that we've had to pull 3 of our first 4 wins out in the last minutes

0-4, best chance at a win will be Mizzou, but they've destroyed us the last 2 years. Tenn and Kentucky haven't been our problem the last 4 years, so really we're just treading water at this point.

Very 2011-ish start to the season, except that we've had to pull 3 of our first 4 wins out in the last minutes

How much longer do you plan on trying to troll this board? You have been at it for quite awhile now.
I'll say 2-2. Mizzou is just a bad football team and I believe we have the ability to steal one from Ole Miss or UGA. I just have zero expectation of winning in Death Valley. I wouldn't be shocked at 1-3 either, I just want to see improvement and us being in the games late. Wins shouldn't really be expected because all those teams except Mizzou have way more talent than us.
sadgator went with 2-2, but really, who knows? We're probably neither as good nor as bad as some of us think.

It wouldn't surprise sadgator if we won or lost every game. Either way, they are fun to watch, and sadgator thinks they'll probably be in some games at the end that they are not expected to win.
The first 3 quarters against UT weren't that fun to watch. If we hope to beat Ole Miss and Uga (got no hope for LSU), our offense can't wait until the 4th quarter to come alive.
I'm going with 1-3, but I would be on cloud 9 if we go 2-2 or better. We aren't beating LSU in Death Valley at night. Not with this team.
Say we beat Ole Miss, Lsu, FSU and lose to Georgia. Would a 12-1 U.F. team get into the playoff over a undefeated Big 10 team?
The first 3 quarters against UT weren't that fun to watch. If we hope to beat Ole Miss and Uga (got no hope for LSU), our offense can't wait until the 4th quarter to come alive.

The 2nd and 3rd quarters were the bad ones. The first quarter running the ball we looked good. Defense was actually tackling at that point. It took a lucky executed trick play for them to keep the momentum even or slightly tilted.
I went with 2-2 with a surprising win over Ole Miss at home. Then you'll drop the next two and rally with a win over Jawja....I think you guys are in their heads.
I went with 2-2 with a surprising win over Ole Miss at home. Then you'll drop the next two and rally with a win over Jawja....I think you guys are in their heads.

This would be a dream come true. Idk, losses to LSU have just never bothered me and the newness of Mizzou just doesn't fire up the same level of hate for me. Beating UGA any year though is like heaven. I'd take that scenario 100 out of 100 if you could guarantee me it would happen today.
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Say we beat Ole Miss, Lsu, FSU and lose to Georgia. Would a 12-1 U.F. team get into the playoff over a undefeated Big 10 team?

That's assuming UGA has other losses and doesn't win the East, right? I'm thinking a better scenario would be, beating Ole Miss, UGA, and FSU and losing to LSU as your 12-1 scenario.
I hate that "We're getting better" Sounds like Zook .. LOL
Well we are a better team than last year but we still have a ways to go...if I had to bet money in 3 out of the next 4 we are out gunned IMO we need to win 1 and I think that we will...but we could pull out 2 of those games. You always learn more and more about a team as the season goes on. I'm interested to see how the Gators play this Saturday.
For me this is a year of introducing a new system and the beginning of TOTAL team development. Both appear to be in progress. It also appears that the players are also learning to play together while having fun in the process. Wins today are far less important than developing a successful culture as a foundation for the future. I want to enjoy witnessing true progress independent of the number of wins. Overall I think we all can see that the future looks much brighter.
0-4, best chance at a win will be Mizzou, but they've destroyed us the last 2 years. Tenn and Kentucky haven't been our problem the last 4 years, so really we're just treading water at this point.

Very 2011-ish start to the season, except that we've had to pull 3 of our first 4 wins out in the last minutes
http:// Official sunshine pumper????
0-4, best chance at a win will be Mizzou, but they've destroyed us the last 2 years. Tenn and Kentucky haven't been our problem the last 4 years, so really we're just treading water at this point.

Very 2011-ish start to the season, except that we've had to pull 3 of our first 4 wins out in the last minutes
I'm thinking 1-3. Mizzou we can beat. Uga is our next best chance to win IMHO. I always thought 7-5 would be a good season but we've got a great chance at 8-4.
While 2-2 is realistic for this team, Florida is capable of going 3-1/4-0 against these foes.
0-4, best chance at a win will be Mizzou, but they've destroyed us the last 2 years. Tenn and Kentucky haven't been our problem the last 4 years, so really we're just treading water at this point.

Very 2011-ish start to the season, except that we've had to pull 3 of our first 4 wins out in the last minutes
how bout 0-5.. only the pesky Gators could lose more games than they are playing
I'm going with 1-3, but I would be on cloud 9 if we go 2-2 or better. We aren't beating LSU in Death Valley at night. Not with this team.

are we playing them at night for sure?
I'll say 2-2. Mizzou is just a bad football team and I believe we have the ability to steal one from Ole Miss or UGA. I just have zero expectation of winning in Death Valley. I wouldn't be shocked at 1-3 either, I just want to see improvement and us being in the games late. Wins shouldn't really be expected because all those teams except Mizzou have way more talent than us.

This seems to be the general consensus by the pundits. I disagree, however, because of the various top 10 recruiting classes pulled in by Florida (2015: #23, 2014: #8, 2013: #4, 2012: #3) are actually rated higher than the ones attained by the Ole Miss rebels (2015: #21, 2014: #19, 2013: #7, 2012: #40). Now because of better coaching, Ole Miss may be playing at a higher level particularly on offense in the last two years - Ole Miss defeated Alabama twice in a row; that should get everyone's attention, no doubt. Also, I think just like Tennessee, Florida and Ole Miss have comparable talents with some edges (i.e, quarterback, wr's?) going at certain positions to each of the teams.

Florida has a mixture of youth (Callaway, Grier, etc.) and veterans (Bullard, Hargraves, K.Taylor, etc.) that are playing well together but I don't think that the defense (could tackle better), offense (still learning & trying to improve), special teams (fair to below average so far) have all peaked together in one game yet. Coach McElwain seems to keep pushing his team every week to improve in all of those areas.

If Florida doesn't get too beat up in facing this 4-game gauntlet, the Gators should fare well in these games while remaining very competitive! Just take it one game at a time - UF has Ole Miss in the Swamp! We need to make that a scary home-field advantage again! Only Gators come out alive!
If we win the turnover battle a hold the to 20 or less points we can win...not sure if we can let them score even 20. Defense is going to have to play lights out Saturday to win and we can't afford many mistakes.
This seems to be the general consensus by the pundits. I disagree, however, because of the various top 10 recruiting classes pulled in by Florida (2015: #23, 2014: #8, 2013: #4, 2012: #3) are actually rated higher than the ones attained by the Ole Miss rebels (2015: #21, 2014: #19, 2013: #7, 2012: #40). Now because of better coaching, Ole Miss may be playing at a higher level particularly on offense in the last two years - Ole Miss defeated Alabama twice in a row; that should get everyone's attention, no doubt. Also, I think just like Tennessee, Florida and Ole Miss have comparable talents with some edges (i.e, quarterback, wr's?) going at certain positions to each of the teams.

Florida has a mixture of youth (Callaway, Grier, etc.) and veterans (Bullard, Hargraves, K.Taylor, etc.) that are playing well together but I don't think that the defense (could tackle better), offense (still learning & trying to improve), special teams (fair to below average so far) have all peaked together in one game yet. Coach McElwain seems to keep pushing his team every week to improve in all of those areas.

If Florida doesn't get too beat up in facing this 4-game gauntlet, the Gators should fare well in these games while remaining very competitive! Just take it one game at a time - UF has Ole Miss in the Swamp! We need to make that a scary home-field advantage again! Only Gators come out alive!

Rankings don't take into account things like depth or youth and inexperience. For example, Ivey is a 5-star o-lineman and a stud, but his performance is probably gonna be less than some of Ole Miss' 3 and 2-star guys on the oline who have been in Ole Miss' program for the last three years lifting and training and getting experience. Our frontline guys in spots are comparable to many of the top teams in the country, but we still don't have the depth or experience in a lot of spots. And over the course of a game or season that can make all the difference.