Police kill woman over hot water and strange statements...

Gator Fever

Bull Gator
Feb 13, 2008

Seems like the lady is a little off in the head but that is someone that shouldn't be a cop if he couldn't handle that differently. Once she went down there was no chance of that pot being thrown on the ground doing anything serious to him. Also you would think he would have some common sense to realize she might be touched a little and keep his distance and get her to put it down without hollering like that making someone like that act off even more. I think a jury will at least nail him for manslaughter. If this was the old days before bodycam use the official report would have said the lady was within 2 foot of him with the pot raised and that she was in motion to throw it directly in his eyes.
This case hopefully will be about this cops apparently amazingly ineptitude at his job. I fear other cards will be played when it doesn’t seem like it should be necessary. I can’t tell from the video, was the water boiling/burn capable? Even if it is, still no reason. This woman should be alive.
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This case hopefully will be about this cops apparently amazingly ineptitude at his job. I fear other cards will be played when it doesn’t seem like it should be necessary. I can’t tell from the video, was the water boiling/burn capable? Even if it is, still no reason. This woman should be alive.

To me its a little worse case than the cop that killed the little 100 pound 5 foot mentally unstable female because she wouldnt drop a small pair of scissors and kept walking toward him. Its crazy it wasnt handled differently. I think since they no bonded him and charged him with 1st degree murder it might not blow up really bad. If that lady was white though I could almost guarantee you the Judge would have gave him a bond - a real high one but would have gave him one.
To me its a little worse case than the cop that killed the little 100 pound 5 foot mentally unstable female because she wouldnt drop a small pair of scissors and kept walking toward him. Its crazy it wasnt handled differently. I think since they no bonded him and charged him with 1st degree murder it might not blow up really bad. If that lady was white though I could almost guarantee you the Judge would have gave him a bond - a real high one but would have gave him one.
Probably true. Either way, woman or cop white or black, dude needs to be exactly where he’s at.
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Im going to get in my bag for a minute.

There was a counter between them.

This individual was already agitated enough to call law enforcement because she thought there was a prowler.

Then she started acting unstable.

So the response was to start threatening her, using profanity, and draw your duty weapon?

As soon as he did that, the other officer had no choice but to draw his weapon. Now there's two cops pointing guns and shouting.

A pot of boiling water to the face is deadly force, and I don't expect an officer to wait til she throws it to do something about it.

However, on this officers duty belt was more than likely a taser, OC spray, a baton, a flashlight.

They were in an apartment they could have easily retreated and secured her in the apartment, where was she going to go?

And why the hell are we taking headshots at 2 yards? Center mass, anyone?
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Im going to get in my bag for a minute.

There was a counter between them.

This individual was already agitated enough to call law enforcement because she thought there was a prowler.

Then she started acting unstable.

So the response was to start threatening her, using profanity, and draw your duty weapon?

As soon as he did that, the other officer had no choice but to draw his weapon. Now there's two cops pointing guns and shouting.

A pot of boiling water to the face is deadly force, and I don't expect an officer to wait til she throws it to do something about it.

However, on this officers duty belt was more than likely a taser, OC spray, a baton, a flashlight.

They were in an apartment they could have easily retreated and secured her in the apartment, where was she going to go?

And why the hell are we taking headshots at 2 yards? Center mass, anyone?
The boiling water is the only thing that can save him from what I see. That can clearly kill someone. But the leap with nothing in between he will have a hard time justifying.
The boiling water is the only thing that can save him from what I see. That can clearly kill someone. But the leap with nothing in between he will have a hard time justifying.
Any action that results in death or disfigurement, and generally anything to the face can lead to disfigurement, is a justification for the use of deadly force.

Why did he let her go into the kitchen in the first place?

here's what should have happened.

"Ma'am i see you have the stove on so my officer is going to go over there and turn it off, please stay where you are."
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Any action that results in death or disfigurement, and generally anything to the face can lead to disfigurement, is a justification for the use of deadly force.

Why did he let her go into the kitchen in the first place?

here's what should have happened.

"Ma'am i see you have the stove on so my officer is going to go over there and turn it off, please stay where you are."
And then we wouldn’t be having this conversation. It’s so sad. Just so unnecessary
This is the problem. You don't talk to a citizen like that and if the first tool you reach for is your firearm, you weren't paying attention in training.

I agree with this now but that was an issue years ago with the training in many places. It just stressed what level of force you could go to according to the matrix without stressing common sense enough. For years now I am sure it's stressed how you will be second guessed on everything now and that matrix stuff means nothing when it comes to the law and many prosecutors.
I agree with this now but that was an issue years ago with the training in many places. It just stressed what level of force you could go to according to the matrix without stressing common sense enough. For years now I am sure it's stressed how you will be second guessed on everything now and that matrix stuff means nothing when it comes to the law and many prosecutors.
We don't use the use of force matrix in Florida anymore, I don't even know if they teach it during firearms and defensive tactics anymore.
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We don't use the use of force matrix in Florida anymore, I don't even know if they teach it during firearms and defensive tactics anymore.

They were smart to do that. It made people that lacked common sense more likely to get caught up in something like this. I did parole work for a few years quite a while back and took my basic defensive tactics academy class with some cop trainees. The instructor did say if you were a male you would be under the spotlight when dealing with a weaker female etc but a lot of the people in that class due to that matrix took it like they were fine to shoot someone as long as it fell in that chart as being one step higher than the perp. This guy by his initial actions showed he didn't have the temperament to be a cop.
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They were smart to do that. It made people that lacked common sense more likely to get caught up in something like this. I did parole work for a few years quite a while back and took my basic defensive tactics academy class with some cop trainees. The instructor did say if you were a male you would be under the spotlight when dealing with a weaker female etc but a lot of the people in that class due to that matrix took it like they were fine to shoot someone as long as it fell in that chart as being one step higher than the perp. This guy by his initial actions showed he didn't have the temperament to be a cop.
The point of the use of force matrix was to teach people threat assessment and de-escalation, but you're right, people with no common sense take it literally and unfortunately the law backed the training.
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