**pinned Pedohitler Thread**

The left are evil and unscrupulous scum, that's no surprise. But another issue are these no knock raids, those really need to stop. There are better ways to apprehend criminals that don't endanger others.
This is one of many reasons Pedo Hitler is the Occupier in Chief.

That actor always reminded me of a Black Gene Simmons.
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Hmmmmm, the cities he mentions have been run by democrats for decades and have the some of the strictest gun laws in the country. So if it is indeed true that you can buy AR-15s from the back of trucks in the streets, who is to blame?

I apologize to the intelligent ones on this board that have reasoning skills and sense for posting the obvious. I thought I would pose the question to those who have pledged fealty to the liberal cabal and choose not to accept facts and reasoning in any facet of their lives.
Groper Joe even pissed off King Charles. You just don't put your hands on The Monarch. Dumbass!

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