Patriot Act...


Gator Great
Feb 13, 2013
I supported the Patriot Act and I was wrong. I f’d up. Create a slippery slope for any government and the snowball they create will only get bigger. You may like a law when your team is in charge or the objectives are pure but don’t hand bad actors keys to do bad things because they will.

I supported the Patriot Act and I was wrong. I f’d up. Create a slippery slope for any government and the snowball they create will only get bigger. You may like a law when your team is in charge or the objectives are pure but don’t hand bad actors keys to do bad things because they will.

You're just now figuring this out?

Anytime you pass a law when your guy is in power, you should think about how it can be used when the other guy is.
You're just now figuring this out?

Anytime you pass a law when your guy is in power, you should think about how it can be used when the other guy is.
I wouldn’t say just now figured it out, it was probably around 2006 or so but I can admit I supported something without considering the long term affects.
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The Socialist goal is to destroy the Constitutional Republic of America from within.
America is NOT a democracy, and it never was. (lynch mobs are a democracy)

That's why this was included in the 'Oath of Office' in the first place.
"To support and defend the Constitution against ALL ENEMIES, foreign and DOMESTIC."

What America needs now is a citizens 'Traitors to their Oaths' court that could clean out the DC cesspool.
Otherwise, get ready for all of the problems that exist in places like Venezuela.

The disgustingly misnamed 'Patriot Act' was an un-Constitutional piece of chit from the get-go, and I knew it when it was proposed.... Those involved with enacting it are traitors to their oaths of office imoho....
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LMAO at the 'independent' trying to piss us off by taking digs at Bush. He was almost as shitty as every dem since JFK.

Nice try, trash.
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Bush was a better choice than Gore. That's really all I can say about that. ;)

Sadly, we've gone from choosing 'the lesser of two evils,,,'
to having to chose between the EVIL of TWO LESSERS.....

What we really need imo, is for the best of both party's, that still support and defend the Constitution, to form a new MAGA party so that after the voter laws are cleaned up, we can again have candidates that actually deserve our votes.... (before all HELL breaks loose)