Other Games Tonight


Bull Gator
Feb 28, 2005
I'll start off with my boy Fedora sporting the beard and visor while beating FSU.

And UT vs. UGA is down to the wire.
LSU should hire Fedora.

Or better yet, LSU should hire Jimbo and let FSU hire Fedora. Trickett should be thinking about retirement and Kelly should be coaching outside of the P5.
Guessing that was one of the typical jumbo losses....the Louisville game was just a standard ass beating.
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I just looked in the Webster for the word lucky and seen Tennessee next to it. Looked up unlucky and seen FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY next to it. What a day!!!!
I have a feeling that this season will end up like 2011, where an unranked FSU and UF are slugging it out for the honor of playing in the Russell Athletic Bowl.

Up until this point, I figured Jimbo as a 4/5 star coach. Not quite in the 5/5 GOAT tier with Saban and Meyer, but above average. I think the next couple of seasons will tell if that was optimistic.
The next couple of seasons?

He has had nearly five full seasons without Winston. In every single season, he has had at least one bad, bad loss. At least one. Sometime more than one. And he still has the rest of this season to have more.

I think we know what we need to know about Jimbo.
I don't think FSU really had any "bad" losses in 2010, considering Bowden barely managed a winning record the year before, and Jimbo ended up with a 10 win season.

FSU certainly had a couple of bad losses in 2011. NC State in 2012, GaTech last year ...

It's not clear how good UNC is this year. I know they were underdogs, but FSU was obviously overrated during the preseason, so who knows. Houston seemed like a bad loss last year, but it's obvious now that they are just good.
I don't think FSU really had any "bad" losses in 2010, considering Bowden barely managed a winning record the year before, and Jimbo ended up with a 10 win season.

FSU certainly had a couple of bad losses in 2011. NC State in 2012, GaTech last year ...

It's not clear how good UNC is this year. I know they were underdogs, but FSU was obviously overrated during the preseason, so who knows. Houston seemed like a bad loss last year, but it's obvious now that they are just good.

Lost ot UNC and NC state in 2010 as well I think? But it doesn't matter, you are determined to play the relativity game with every loss of Jimbo I see.
I don't think FSU really had any "bad" losses in 2010, considering Bowden barely managed a winning record the year before, and Jimbo ended up with a 10 win season.

Losing to NC State on the road and UNC at home were not bad loses in 2010?

FSU certainly had a couple of bad losses in 2011.

Yep. Wake Forest on the road and Virginia at home

NC State in 2012,

Good to know you no longer consider losing to Florida a bad loss.

GaTech last year ...
Worst of Jimbo's head coaching career. And six years into it no less.

It's not clear how good UNC is this year. I know they were underdogs, but FSU was obviously overrated during the preseason, so who knows.

You guys were 10.5 favorites. At home. UNC got beat by Georgia earlier in the year. One of those SEC East teams you guys regularly ridicule.

Houston seemed like a bad loss last year, but it's obvious now that they are just good.
Losing to Houston was not bad. Getting blown out by them was bad. Jimbo did not have his boys ready for that bowl game. No more than McE did against Michigan.

I have said and continue to say that Jimbo in a very incomplete Head Coach. He is a good recruiter. Maybe a great one. He seems to be OK at initial game plans. But certainly not brilliant. He seems to have a hard time in some games getting his guys motivated. And he is a very mediocre game day coach, both at play calling and at making adjustments.

In short, he can out talent most teams to consistently win 9 to 11 games a year. But he will almost always lay at least one egg every year. And if he has to face more than one really good team, he will be doing well to split those games. Unless he has a special talent at QB, like Jameis.
FSU surprises me. Didn't Fisher say this was arguably his most talented team? That defense is atrocious.

5 star guys all over the field but the same mental breakdowns and blown assignments on defense. Most the defensive staff needs to go at this point. The coaches have lost the defensive players, that's pretty apparent.

Jimbo also needs to stop attempting 50 yard field goals on 4th and 1. That shit drives me crazy. Play the odds dude. What's more likely Cook gains a yard or freshman kicker from 45+? He coaches like he's in the NFL.

Maybe the players have tuned out. At some point your message gets stale, especially with players nowadays.
I gave Jimbo some slack for the losses in 2010. As I mentioned, 2010 was a big improvement over the previous few years.

"Good to know you no longer consider losing to Florida a bad loss."

Florida was a decent team in 2012. So, no, I don't consider that a bad loss. Though I suppose a loss to a rival is always a bad loss in a sense. I am not one of those who rate an entire season based on whether FSU beats UF and Miami. IMO, 2012 was a good season for FSU (Orange Bowl win) despite the loss to UF.

There are "bad losses," and then there are times when the teams were simply under/overrated. Getting decisively defeated, by two touchdowns, in a respectable bowl by a then underrated, but apparently excellent, team does not seem like a bad loss, in hindsight. There's no question that the Louisville blowout was a bad loss. Under no circumstances can a 43 point loss be anything other than a bad loss, unless you are Plant City High School, and you're playing Bama.

As for UNC, it's more likely than not, a bad loss. But I'll wait until the season's over to decide. If Fedora takes the 'Heels to the Playoffs, I'll conclude that they were a good team that was simply underrated -- therefore, not a bad loss. If UNC goes 6-7, then that'll be just another brick in Jimbo's Wall of Shame.
There's no question that the Louisville blowout was a bad loss. Under no circumstances can a 43 point loss be anything other than a bad loss, unless you are Plant City High School, and you're playing Bama.

As for UNC, it's more likely than not, a bad loss. But I'll wait until the season's over to decide. If Fedora takes the 'Heels to the Playoffs, I'll conclude that they were a good team that was simply underrated -- therefore, not a bad loss. If UNC goes 6-7, then that'll be just another brick in Jimbo's Wall of Shame.

UNC isn't going to the playoffs. They might win 10 games though. If they tried to run the ball at all against UGA they could be top 10 right now. Still, clearly a game FSU should have won.

Louisville, well, the defense figured out early on that the coaches had no answers and pretty much quit.
I understand your points. But Jimbo has kinda shown that he is going to crap the bed at least once a year, sans Jameis, does he not?

As you say, getting beat by a very good UL team is understandable. Get blown out by 40 points is not. Getting beat by Clemson last year was understandable. Getting beat by Ga Tech was not. In 2012, getting beat by Florida was understandable. Getting beat by NCState was not. In 2011, getting beat by WF was not understandable.

I think I see a trend.
What a difference a week (and better defensive opponent) makes. UNC got clobbered at home, 34-3, by Virginia Tech.
What a difference a week (and better defensive opponent) makes. UNC got clobbered at home, 34-3, by Virginia Tech.
UNC had a 131 yards of offense and 3 point. How many yard and points did they get last week?

On another note Justin Fuente is a coach on the rise
I hate to say this, given what they have done in the past, but Tennessee's luck might have just run out.
UT has outplayed A&M the entire game. If they didn't have so many stupid turnovers they'd have already won.
And of course as soon as I say that they decide to do into a soft shell defense and let A&M drive right down the field. UT is a talented but very dumb team.
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