Thread title pretty much explains it. This couple is nice enough, don't really go out of the way to hang out with them, but they invited us over so I said sure what the hell. He's a covid bro and she's a nurse (knows everything about everything), but I assumed that the invitation meant he was going to be normal and we might just keep our distance.
We get to their house just outside lake city, keeping in mind it's about 92 and 90% humidity at 6 in the afternoon, and they're sitting in their carport with a dinner table all set and ready to go. They're out there and he's grilling while she gets things out of the kitchen, both wearing masks when we drive up. They didn't just throw them on when they saw us. We didn't even bring masks because I assumed if you're inviting folks over you're good without them so my wife is all panicked because she doesn't want to upset them. I get out and ask them if they wanted us to wear masks and they were both almost offended at the idea of us not having any. They're both adamant about us staying in the car until they figure something out. I suggested we wear one of their masks and you'd have thought I said I was going to nail both of their moms simultaneously at their horrified reaction. So I just came out and said if you want us to stay then we'll stay without masks and keep our distance, if not we can leave. So they looked at each other and both decided we should leave their house that they invited us to because we didn't have a damn mask on outside in 90+ degree heat.
I was pretty pissed off at them because what jackass invites people over and then thinks they want to bake in a carport with a mask on while they wait for food? My wife is a little more sympathetic I think is the word and just let it go, but it seems to me that they were the assholes here, not me.
Am I right or wrong here?