Can we all take a moment to appreciate how thoroughly Trump has outsmarted the dems at every turn here?
6 months ago, the dems started Coup Attempt 2. They figured out a plan to crash the economy, put the blame on Trump, and run him out of office.
So around March 1st, they started pushing that a LOCKDOWN of the country was the only solution to hoax flu. They 'knew' that Trump would fight them. Why the economy is his baby! No way in hell he will go along with hurting the economy, then left can spin "Lives are more important than keeping Wal-Street rich!!!!" and it will kill Trump in the polls! Sheep eat that "we care about you, Trump only cares about the rich!" shit up with a spoon. They are even bigger dipshits than Trump is LOL
So that was the plan: Say we MUST close the economy, Trump will refuse, we position him only caring about the rich and not giving a shit about public health. Polls will tank for him, eventually he will have to do a lockdown, but dems will get credit, Trump will get blame. Biden can waltz to the White House.
So dems start the drumbeat of a lockdown. Fauci and Scarf Queen concur, gotta do a lockdown. They say reason why is can't flood the hospitals and overwhelm the medical system.
Then Trump does the one thing they never expected: He says 'Ok'. What's worse, he says ok cause he wants to listen to the 'experts'. AND he even steals their lunch by saying he absolutely hates to stop the best economy ever, but the LIVES OF AMERICANS ARE MORE IMPORTANT.
You can imagine the look on Chuck and Nancy's faces. 160 IQ just dropped the first turd in their punchbowl.
So then they switch to inducing panic over hospitals. It's Cuomo time!!!!
Cuomo starts saying they got no hospital rooms in NYC! We all gonna die!!!! So Trump parks a massive cruise ship in the harbor with 1,000 hospital beds. Not a single one gets used.
Then Cuomo says "We need ventilators! Lots and LOTS of ventilators or WE ALL GONNA DIE!" Dems begged for ventilators cause they knew we didn't have any. Because they knew obama never replenished the strategic stockpile after Obama Flu hit.
So what did Trump do? He partnered with the private sector to immediately produce thousands of ventilators for NY. Again, they were never used.
160 IQ wins again.
So by now we are into April and we are beginning to see that the dem panic porn over hospitals being overrun never happened, and now people are starting to talk about how it's time to reopen everything. Dems are again ready with a plan to foil Trump: Have the dem governors across the nation speak out saying no way in hell is their state ready to reopen! Having NY and CA do this was key. Dems had Trump this time for sure! No way Trump keeps the economy shut down, this will force his hand, he will ORDER the country to reopen, they fudge the case numbers to show a spike, dem governors all across the country say Trump is literally KILLING our state, he has to reclose economy, then dems say THAT just makes everything worse, and polls tank for Trump, Hiden walks to the White House.
Then Trump did it again: He said "Hey, each state is different, you governors know your state and your people the best. We will issue guidelines to help you reopen safely, but each state can do as it sees fit.
THIS is where the true brilliance of Trump was shown. Because Trump KNEW what would happen next. He created a scenario where the dem governors HAVE ALL THE POWER. He KNEW what would happen in these states if the dem governors ran the show.
So the dem governors all went power-crazy, as Trump knew they would. Everyone locked down, everyone masked up. No businesses open, you try to open your gym cause you are about to starve? We will arrest you. You try to open your restaurant so you and other families can eat? Off to jail you go, WE CALL THE SHOTS!
160 IQ wins again.
Dems start to see the internal polls moving against them. So they go back to the old familiar standby.
Protests start over George Floyd's death. Media happily fans the flames, protests intensify. antifa steps in and takes over blm. Riots start in all the DEMOCRATIC cities. Since Trump has already told the dem governors they run the show, the dem governors and mayors work in lockstep to.....ignore the riots. Video is shown nightly from these cities as they all look like third world countries.
Dems again see the polls going against them. Dem voters in these cities see how the dem leaders actual run their cities. They see firsthand that what republicans have told them all their lives was true. They start leaving these dem cities in droves.
DOJ steps in and starts targeting the rioters in the dem cities, which are almost all antifa/Hiden supporters at this point. They are arrested and charged with FEDERAL crimes.
See what has happened? Dems thought Trump would own creating the mess, and they would own the cleanup. 160 IQ spun it completely around: The dems own creating the mess, Trump owns the cleanup of THEIR mess.
That's why he's spiking in the polls.
Then on top of everything, the economy is roaring back much faster than ANYONE predicted (well besides Trump and Larry Kudlow, they were both spot on).
The dems have managed to create a scenario where Trump is going to get the credit for saving America from DEM RIOTERS and he's going to get credit for the BEST ECONOMIC REBOUND in the history of the country and an ALL-TIME STOCK MARKET HIGH, and it will all come WEEKS before the 2020 Presidential Election.
This Coup Attempt could not have been scripted better to help Trump. He completely outsmarted them at every step of the way.
A masterclass in raw intelligence.