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Gator Great
Jan 17, 2005
If Trump wins, we will be happy and thankful.
If Biden wins, all you Biden lovers will do as you are now doing and that's rub it in our faces.
See the difference?

If you could only see that what Biden will do to this country is something we ALL will be living with. Watch how fast our nation will crumble and you will be crumbling right along with the rest of us.
things about to get ugly. Patriots, past and present will not sit idly by And watch a hijacking.
Yeah, the real sh?t is going to hit the fan. I know a lot people who are going to push back, most of them are ex military buddies. I kid about joining the resistance, but it is real out there and building.
Yeah, the real sh?t is going to hit the fan. I know a lot people who are going to push back, most of them are ex military buddies. I kid about joining the resistance, but it is real out there and building.

yeah. there was a time where I took an oath to protect against enemies, foreign and domestic. That oath never ends until my life does. Lots of guys I know.....same. The way sll this went down. Doesnt sit well
I hate the secular french model and its reprobate people. They failed and ended up with Napoleon. BUT .........!!!!!!

Franklin's warning comes to mind and it must be the outcome that we KEEP IT.

Truly only a small group needs to be the concern of We the People.
If Trump wins, we will be happy and thankful.
If Biden wins, all you Biden lovers will do as you are now doing and that's rub it in our faces.
See the difference?

If you could only see that what Biden will do to this country is something we ALL will be living with. Watch how fast our nation will crumble and you will be crumbling right along with the rest of us.
If Pubs retain the Senate, less damage will be done.

An undeniable truth: 72 million people will never see Beijing Biden as legitimate.

The Pubs own 30 state legislatures. Voting laws should get wholesale rewrites. None of us should ever live to see another stiff who can't draw flies to a street corner in Phoenix set an all time record in mail in votes.
If Trump wins, we will be happy and thankful.
If Biden wins, all you Biden lovers will do as you are now doing and that's rub it in our faces.
See the difference?

If you could only see that what Biden will do to this country is something we ALL will be living with. Watch how fast our nation will crumble and you will be crumbling right along with the rest of us.
IF Trump wins? What drug are you on? It’s over, dude. Biden won.

Has The Gateway Pundit not told you that?
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IF Trump wins? What drug are you on? It’s over, dude. Biden won.

Has The Gateway Pundit not told you that?
Oh, and your obsessive hate for Trump will be short-lived when you start living under the Hiden Regime. But at least you may get your $15/hr minimum wage raise.
Oh, and your obsessive hate for Trump will be short-lived when you start living under the Hiden Regime. But at least you may get your $15/hr minimum wage raise.
I dont hate Trump. I don’t even think of him any more while I’m driving my Porsche. He’s now in my rear view mirror.

Ive succeeded under every president. I’m not worried how I’ll do under Biden.
I think it is moronic that libs think their will be unity now.
Newsflash, Theres never been unity. But Trump has told his cultists to be disruptive, so you better follow through.
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I dont hate Trump. I don’t even think of him any more while I’m driving my Porsche. He’s now in my rear view mirror.

Ive succeeded under every president. I’m not worried how I’ll do under Biden.
You also keep proving my point on you being a narcissist. A life of a narcissist is one of low value and self-worth. You always want to rise above every one else and seek the fame and glory for every thing in your life. The earth cannot spin without you. Congratulations narcissist. You should really get therapy.
The fight for conservative ideals is greater than any one person. Apart from Trump's unfortunate defeat, the GOP actually did fairly well in the 2020 election. It is absolutely paramount for the GOP to win the two GA Senate seats. That's where my energy will be focused going forward.
You giving up already? COME ON MAN!
You also keep proving my point on you being a narcissist. A life of a narcissist is one of low value and self-worth. You always want to rise above every one else and seek the fame and glory for every thing in your life. The earth cannot spin without you. Congratulations narcissist. You should really get therapy.
Narcissist? Fast food worker? You guys can’t even get your lame flames right.

PS. I’m actually quite humble IRL. Don’t let my internet persona fool you.
Narcissist? Fast food worker? You guys can’t even get your lame flames right.

PS. I’m actually quite humble IRL. Don’t let my internet persona fool you.
Again, proving my point. NOT ONCE have I noticed you even remotely suggested you might be wrong. I've started threads on here where I've questioned recent events.
Some people aren’t willfully ignorant.
Oh, and tell me about the Great Reset? Feel comfortable within that framework of societal change? And can I hold you personally responsible for this process?
Again, proving my point. NOT ONCE have I noticed you even remotely suggested you might be wrong. I've started threads on here where I've questioned recent events.
Geez, I hope you have questioned recent events, after seeing all of your crazy CTs come to nothing.

Here you go. I’ve been wrong about.

1. Election was closer than I thought. Polling truly can’t capture Trumps following for some reason.
2. I.overestimated the number of Pubs that would accept the election results. It seems many are still under his spell.
3. Joe is not as senioe as I thought. He seems to be hanging in there pretty well, saying the right things, making the right decisions.

Would you like a list of things I’ve been right about.
Tell you what, if I’m wrong I’ll man up and admit it. I’m curious to see how this will ultimately play out.

It's serious enough that we should all put aside our pride and fight for what's worth fighting for.

If no one wanted to be mocked, then Trump would have conceded on election night.

If no one wanted to be mocked, we would have kept our mouths shut for the next 4 years and then nominated Mitt Romney.

There are far worse things in life than being mocked by sheep. Let's keep our eyes on the bigger picture here.
Oh, and tell me about the Great Reset? Feel comfortable within that framework of societal change? And can I hold you personally responsible for this process?
If someone comes to take my property (house, land etc) there will be blood spilled and not that day. Man's time on this earth is finite and his time is priceless. His labor is his time. When you steal his property you have taken some of his life. Any society that strives to abolish property is evil. Better to die free than a slave. I and am a citizen of the USoA and NOT a global citizen. Nor do I want to be one and I am for Pax Americana.

As I have said people have a right to be left alone.

When I move to the woods I BETTER be left alone.
If someone comes to take my property (house, land etc) there will be blood spilled and not that day. Man's time on this earth is finite and his time is priceless. His labor is his time. When you steal his property you have taken some of his life. Any society that strives to abolish property is evil. Better to die free than a slave. I and am a citizen of the USoA and NOT a global citizen. Nor do I want to be one and I am for Pax Americana.

As I have said people have a right to be left alone.

When I move to the woods I BETTER be left alone.
I don't foresee this in the early future, but the table is being set right now. That's where chaos becomes world-wide. Tribulation time will not be fun. Don't you recall in your youth the notion of a one-world government? The only thing stopping it right now is Trump and our Constitution. Once the Supreme Court is packed and our Constitution is null and void, it WILL HAPPEN.
If Pubs retain the Senate, less damage will be done.

An undeniable truth: 72 million people will never see Beijing Biden as legitimate.

The Pubs own 30 state legislatures. Voting laws should get wholesale rewrites. None of us should ever live to see another stiff who can't draw flies to a street corner in Phoenix set an all time record in mail in votes.
I don't believe it. GOP senators are pushovers. Look right now at how many are shivering in their basements afraid to stand up for what is right!! I cannot see the senate, even with a Trump administration being united. Their mostly pieces of crap chicken littles.
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Geez, I hope you have questioned recent events, after seeing all of your crazy CTs come to nothing.

Here you go. I’ve been wrong about.

1. Election was closer than I thought. Polling truly can’t capture Trumps following for some reason.
2. I.overestimated the number of Pubs that would accept the election results. It seems many are still under his spell.
3. Joe is not as senioe as I thought. He seems to be hanging in there pretty well, saying the right things, making the right decisions.

Would you like a list of things I’ve been right about.
WOW, okay 3 out of what, 100 posts? But honestly, I'd say that #1 was about as close to a swing and a miss as you can get. That's sad dude. I have a question for you. Aside from Trump himself, of which you hate with a passion, what has he done as President that has you so riled?
I don't foresee this in the early future, but the table is being set right now. That's where chaos becomes world-wide. Tribulation time will not be fun. Don't you recall in your youth the notion of a one-world government? The only thing stopping it right now is Trump and our Constitution. Once the Supreme Court is packed and our Constitution is null and void, it WILL HAPPEN.
Believe in pretrib rapture...Plan on having at least 7 years of long term storage if wrong.

Lastly not gonna prep because of disaster or trib but because of inflation and LTF is an asset that will appreciate and do so tax free. IOTW food security is part of retirement planning
I don't believe it. GOP senators are pushovers. Look right now at how many are shivering in their basements afraid to stand up for what is right!! I cannot see the senate, even with a Trump administration being united. Their mostly pieces of crap chicken littles.

Yep. If the dems literally get away with stealing this election, the Republicans won't fight them on a single thing.

We would be a one-party country on that day. Hell @ukalum1988 said even IF Trump wins, we need to WORK WITH the people that stole the election. No one should go to jail, there should be no consequences for the coup attempt.

Evil persists when good men refuse to act to stop it.
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I don't believe it. GOP senators are pushovers. Look right now at how many are shivering in their basements afraid to stand up for what is right!! I cannot see the senate, even with a Trump administration being united. Their mostly pieces of crap chicken littles.
So far, Beijing Biden has announced no far out progressive loon AOC, Omar or Bernie types for his cabinet. No Bozo O'Rourke as gun czar. Sure he's announced a return to the job's oppressing return to the Paris Accord and killing Trump tax cuts but Joe may not be as bad as he's made out.
I never said any such thing.

Not verbatim, that's why I didn't use quotes.

I posted a tweet that quoted Sidney as saying that when Trump wins his 2nd term, people will pay for what they have done to this country.

Here's what you said:

"If Trump takes the oath on Jan 20 2021 he’s going to need GOP support to enact whatever agenda he has planned for America. Not sure how retribution will help matters. So much for party unity. Or does Trump plan to rule exclusively by decree and EO? What is Q saying about this?"

I think what you said speaks for itself. And FYI, it's not 'retribution' to send people to prison for committing illegal acts, it's called following the law.
Not verbatim, that's why I didn't use quotes.

I posted a tweet that quoted Sidney as saying that when Trump wins his 2nd term, people will pay for what they have done to this country.

Here's what you said:

"If Trump takes the oath on Jan 20 2021 he’s going to need GOP support to enact whatever agenda he has planned for America. Not sure how retribution will help matters. So much for party unity. Or does Trump plan to rule exclusively by decree and EO? What is Q saying about this?"

I think what you said speaks for itself. And FYI, it's not 'retribution' to send people to prison for committing illegal acts, it's called following the law.

The ones who revolt against this president, regardless of party, are complicit. Until they are unrooted in their illegal activities, America will not be united.
The ones who revolt against this president, regardless of party, are complicit. Until they are unrooted in their illegal activities, America will not be united.

I said earlier that the dems want us to be a one-party nation, but the reality is we've been a one-party nation for decades.

The Establishment Party.

We've had three presidents that weren't establishment since 1960:

1 - John F Kennedy. He said the CIA was corrupt and vowed to expose that corruption and destroy it. He was assassinated.

2 - Ronald Reagan. He wanted to downsize government, end wars, and give America more control over its money. He barely survived an assassination attempt.

3 - Donald J Trump. He wanted to downsize government, end wars, give Americans more control over its money. he also knew that DC was corrupt and vowed to expose that corruption. He has basically been a Kennedy/Reagan fushion. He's survived impeachment and two coup attempts. I suspect the Secret Service has bravely thwarted hundreds of assassination attempts.

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