That Sturgis link to COVID is bullshit
Most of the time, I enjoy your posts, but this one is way off base !
While no one can be absolutely sure, & some of the predictions are vastlly inflated (I hope), Sturgis did have an
NEGATIVE IMPACT on the spread of the coronavirus in the US.
From CNN -
More than 70
Covid-19 cases have now been linked to an event that drew thousands of tourists
Few wore masks or practiced social distancing as attendees gathered at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally for bike shows, races, performances and other events, according to the
Associated Press. At one concert, the lead singer for the band Smash Mouth shouted, "F--- that COVID s---!"
The annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is a 10-day event that usually
brings about 500,00 people to the city. This year, the rally attracted attendees on more than 460,000 vehicles, according to the
state's transportation department.
The rally was a “superspreading event” with a hefty price tag because it combined many “worst case scenarios” for coronavirus spread, the researchers wrote.
A team of four researchers said the rally could be responsible for as many as 266,796 coronavirus cases in the U.S. over a month’s time — about 19% of the cases reported between Aug. 2 and Sept. 2.
The rally, they agreed, had the makings of a superspreading event.
But the 266,796 figure is still an estimate, and experts cautioned that it may be too high.
Vastly inflated - I hope !
But what if Sturgis is responsible for "ONLY" 50,000 cases spread throughout the US. How many deaths will result from Sturgis ?
Sixty-one percent of counties in the US have been visited by someone who was at Sturgis, per Camber Systems, which collects and analyzes cell phone activity for health researchers.
Not a Pollyanna & realize that to a certain extent people have the right to live their lives as they see fit -
as long as they don't infringe on my rights !
BUT many of the attendees at Sturgis are the type of people who only care about what they want & could care less about how their actions affect other people.
Jacksonville was smart enough to decline the Republican National Convention, but Sturgis could not "decline" its Rally.
Prior to the Sturgis event, officials in the city told CNN they offered health recommendations to vendors and businesses -- including capacity limits and social distancing -- as they prepared for the crowds, but
none of the safety measures were legally enforceable. Meanwhile, campgrounds just miles from the city hosted their own festivities, which included races, contests and packed concerts.
In a survey that was sent out by the city weeks before the event, a majority of residents opposed holding the rally on its scheduled date, but officials opted to move forward because they felt there was
no way to stop the crowds that were planning on coming, city manager Daniel Ainslie previously told CNN.
Sturgis Rally has been held for 80 years; no legal way to stop it ! Could only hope to "control" it somewhat.
"As a city, there's nothing we could do, we're not able to put up roadblocks and say, 'You can't come in,'" he said. "And it was quite obvious that we were going to have a lot of people here, even if we didn't call it the rally.
The issue is if we did not officially sanction it as a rally, then we would not be able to prepare for it."
Doubt that we will ever know reliable figures for the spread of coronavirus from Sturgis.
But the nature of the event - mass crowds & almost total lack of even the most elementary precautions - masks & social distancing - which was obviously impossible - means that tens of thousands of people were exposed to the virus & took it home to spread it !