Norvell was extended the last 2 years

0-2 is he worth 10 Million?

While I don't think any Coach is worth 10 million, if he walks who do they get? Imo someone much worse.

He went 5 to 10 to 13 wins. This is his first major lapse. He has red flags all over though and the main one is HS recruiting g, he's allergic to it (which is good for us once we get someone competant)
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Is that QB's dad wanting to fight all the haters on social media again like after the GT game?

The winner of the game this year may not even make a bowl game.
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To show Norvell the door right now, Florida State would owe him a cool $65 million. That isn’t chump change, even for a Power 4 power like FSU… and especially for one that has been crying poor for 2 years and thus is actively trying to bail from the ACC due to a media rights deal that pays member schools like FSU a fraction of what SEC and Big Ten schools rake in
Why? Because staying in the ACC means getting left behind.

Financial: Think of it like the game Risk. If someone is getting 10 resources each turn and you're only getting 4, it’s only a matter of time before you're out of the game. That’s the financial reality FSU faces right now. We’re leaving the ACC to have the means to compete, not just to give ourselves a better optics schedule. Without the financial resources that come with moving to a more lucrative conference, FSU simply won’t be able to keep up in the long term.

Prestige: If you think battling the SEC narrative was tough before, wait until it’s universally accepted that there are only two conferences that truly matter. Everything else will be seen as the minor leagues. Once that mindset takes hold, recruiting becomes a nightmare. No top talent is going to want to come to FSU if they believe we're playing in a second-tier conference.

And remember, if the school brings in more money through TV revenue, boosters can focus their funds on NIL, giving us a real shot at landing top recruits. Eventually, it’s likely that schools will pay athletes directly as employees, not through third-party collectives. FSU needs to position itself financially to be ready for that shift.

So, no, we’re not sabotaging ourselves—we're making sure we can keep competing at the highest level.

More fuel to why FSU must get the hell outta the ACC!

SEC, Big Ten moving closer to taking their college football ball home and making billions​

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