Despite the name, she was serious.
It's parody. It's still funny AF. 😂About eatin’, apparently.
I honestly can’t tell if she is a parody or the genuine article.
I saw this on the news wires. What district is that knuckle dragging zero from? Somewhere in this state, I want to know what district to make fun of. 😂
One of the best female singers ever
Yeah, he's serious. The dips**t not only deleted his twitter account, he also deleted his tiktok account.
See, they don't tell you about this when they talk about the women to man ratio at FSU. 😂
The libt, err, libs on Twitter are triggered.
What a maroon.I have to say, she is one ugly mother focher.
WOW! Here is the Deranged Lunatic Who Led the Trump Georgia Grand Jury (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
Here is the lunatic who led the Georgia grand jury investigation into President Trump and his perfectly normal phone call he made to Georgia officials after the 2020
Rene Descartes if he was trans: "I think therefore I am not."
Cough what I've been seeing lately, only the dudes can fit into skinny jeans. The woke women are pigs without lipstick.
Bsuck and dmf?Ah! Memories.