No Cure For Liberal Insanity

Lefties are insane! As he flies around everywhere on his private jet....must really believe everyone else is so much dumber than he is...but he is dead wrong.
The "right kind of electricity". Africans go, WTF is that? We got power or we ain't! Ole Horseface Kerry is a goner. Buh bye!!


So let me address something here to my friends, and the snowflakes that are just like this little POS female. Can you imagine someone like this...if things got REALLY bad in America like they did in WW II, can you imagine if THIS was the person you had to count on to charge the hills of Normandy? Or if SHE or her type was all you had to regain control of the pacific islands? THANK GOD these people are in the minority at this time. But let me leave this for thought. There are WAY more of them than there were when we HAD to do those things back in WW II, and THAT is scary. Her parents should be jailed for neglect, for having such a coward for a child.
And Klobuchar once ran for president. She also has blood on her hands for the death of George Floyd. When she was the AG or DA, she refused to fire Derek Chauvin from the MPD for killing a Native American.

She can demand in one hand...and chit in her other. That will leave her only with one hand full of chit.
And Klobuchar once ran for president. She also has blood on her hands for the death of George Floyd. When she was the AG or DA, she refused to fire Derek Chauvin from the MPD for killing a Native American.

That woman just might be dumber than AOC or Kamala Harris. Is a low IQ required to run as a Democrat? 😂

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