I think you, and most American voters need to understand the huge difference between an establishment politician, and one that loves America. One VERY easy way to figure this out is to see how much money that they were worth when they entered office, and how much they are worth now. AOC is a perfect example. The Clintons left the White house TOTALLY broke(their statement) and in 2016 they were worth 250 million. I think what you would find out is that most legislation passed in our Country has SO MUCH pork in it, to pay kickbacks. These kind of people do NOT love our Country, they are in it for money...or power. There are many of these on both sides...however I think EVERY democrat falls in to this, and about 85-90% on the right.
Why is this so important? CHINA. China OWNS many of our people, and when the day comes (and it IS coming) that we have to fight them, we will have so many holes in our security that we are vulnerable to defeat. The PERFECT example is Brandon and family...and they do not even try to hide it. 3rd grade level art selling for 250-500k, jobs that pay 80-100K a month that Hunter has NO CLUE about. But lefties...and many Republicans just sit by and accept it