New WaPo poll: 60% of Americans say we are headed to a recession


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
Now for the methodology:

28% of respondents were Dems
24% of respondents were Repubs

So even if everything else about the poll is on the up and up, the poll is already garbage because it doesn't reflect reality.

35% of Americans are Republicans
25% of Americans are Democrats

If the polling reflected that, the takeaway would be "Majority of Americans say we aren't headed to a recession".

Again, the MSM doesn't use polls to show public opinion, they are used to SHAPE public opinion.

Critical thinkers get this. Sheep say 'A-Ha! So CNN was RIGHT!'
First it was Russian Collusion.
Then it was Obstruction of Justice.
After 2+ years and 25+ Million tax payers paid to Demorat lawyers, egg on their faces in an EPIC FAIL... o_O

So now it's a (FAKE NEWS) coming recession...
The Demorat Socialists will never cease with their lies in an attempt to subvert a sitting President, being the traitors to their 'Oath of Office' that they are.


Updated August 02, 2019
In July 2019, the unemployment rate remained at 3.7%. That's up slightly from the low of 3.6% in May 2019. That was the lowest unemployment rate since December 1969.

The number of long-term unemployed fell to 1.2 million. Those are people who have been searching for jobs for 27 weeks or more.

2015 -- O'Bomba

    • January: Unemployment rose to 5.7%
    • February and March: The rate fell to 5.5%
    • April: Unemployment fell slightly, to 5.4%, as more people become employed, and around 20,000 left the labor force.
    • May: The unemployment rate rose a bit, to 5.5%
    • June and July: Unemployment fell to 5.3%
    • August and September: The rate fell to 5.1%
    • October, November, and December: The rate was 5.0%
    • Begins to fall as soon as it appears that Trump will win.
2018 - Since 2016 it has fallen and continues to fall under Trump's economy.

    • January, February, March: The unemployment rate remained at 4.1%
    • April: Unemployment fell to 3.9%
    • May: The rate fell to 3.8%, the lowest since April 2000
    • June: The rate rose to 4.0%
    • July and August: The rate was 3.9%, the lowest since December 2000
    • September, October, and November:
    • The rate fell to 3.7%, the lowest since October 1969 :eek:
    • December: The rate rose to 3.9%
2019 Unemployment by Month

    • January: The unemployment rate rose to 4.0%
    • February and March: The rate fell to 3.8%
    • April and May: The rate fell to 3.6%.
    • June: The rate rose slightly by 1/10 to 3.7%.
Black unemployment rate is the lowest in U.S, History.
Latino unemployment rate is the lowest in U.S. History.
Women's unemployment rate is the lowest in U.S. History.

Trump is being witch hunted over some AF personal and the VP choosing to stay at a Trump hotel.== BS claims of 'Emolument Clause' violations.
He's the ONLY President in U.S. History to donate his entire salary to charity every quarter.

I wonder why they ignore these facts.
Clinton's broke entering office,,, now multi-millionaires....
O'Bomba also leaves office as a millionaire, now buying a 7 Mil. beach mansion.
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We're always headed for a recession.

We all die. It's just a question of when.

The liberal faithful will blame Trump if there's a recession...but that same faithful bunch refuse to look at global debt...the much worse mess China is in or the instability of TBTF banks...or the years of Q.E. gone global.

Oh well.

Agent Orange
The NASDAQ crash came in March 2000. G. W. was elected in November, 2000. Amerikan Pravda and the left blamed George for the recession he inherited in January, 2001.

Just like they credited Clinton for the amazing economy of the mid to late 90s, when it was driven by the rise of ecommerce. Anyone who was President at that time would have overseen a nice economy because ecommerce was a business transformation.

Just like any President was going to oversee a bad economy when the bubble popped then we had the worst terrorist attack on US soil a year later.