All top Dimms beat Trump easily. PartyID: 30 percent Dimm. 28 percent lean Dimm in small print.
42 percent remaining are Pub and Ind I am to assume?
42 percent remaining are Pub and Ind I am to assume?
All top Dimms beat Trump easily. PartyID: 30 percent Dimm. 28 percent lean Dimm in small print.
42 percent remaining are Pub and Ind I am to assume?
All top Dimms beat Trump easily. PartyID: 30 percent Dimm. 28 percent lean Dimm in small print.
42 percent remaining are Pub and Ind I am to assume?
We will have a Progressive President in 2021.
Why do you hate America?
I don't.
Progressives are actively trying to wrest control of Our government back from the oligarchs and corporatists. Our candidates do not take corporate money which is why only they can be trusted with Our Votes.
Can you name a single Republican candidate that has sworn off corporate donations? No, because they don't exist. Not at the local, state or federal level.
I don't.
Progressives are actively trying to wrest control of Our government back from the oligarchs and corporatists. Our candidates do not take corporate money which is why only they can be trusted with Our Votes.
Can you name a single Republican candidate that has sworn off corporate donations? No, because they don't exist. Not at the local, state or federal level.
That is why the establishment of both parties attack the Progressives.
The establishment also fear Us because we are gaining ground.
I don't.
Progressives are actively trying to wrest control of Our government back from the oligarchs and corporatists. Our candidates do not take corporate money which is why only they can be trusted with Our Votes.
Can you name a single Republican candidate that has sworn off corporate donations? No, because they don't exist. Not at the local, state or federal level.
That is why the establishment of both parties attack the Progressives.
The establishment also fear Us because we are gaining ground.
You misspelled the word.
It's supposed to be POSSESSIVES.
Socialists know nothing of Progress. They do however, know how to steal from those who earn it and give it to those who will waste the money but who WILL continue to support the parasites in political office while also insuring that they and their pals get a nice cut. ( RE: the Clinton Slush fund, er "Charity". The Pemex Billions every Mexican President has stashed in Switzerland, The Cayman's, etc. The insider trading and government contracts that made millionaires out of Maxine Waters, Nancy Piglosi, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Schmuck Shumer, Shelia Jackass Lee, and all those others who are "Working for the little people"
Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Cuba.
All close by. All monuments to what happens when the Producers quit producing because the Possessives will just steal it from them and waste it.
Freidrich Sanders' economic policies are on full display in Caracas.
Bill O'Reilly blew it. Bill predicted after the DNC cut Freidrich off at the knees, he'd run for mayor of Caracas.
You really aren't gaining ground, you're popular in heavy populated areas and those people are programmed by whatever bile you tell them.I don't.
Progressives are actively trying to wrest control of Our government back from the oligarchs and corporatists. Our candidates do not take corporate money which is why only they can be trusted with Our Votes.
Can you name a single Republican candidate that has sworn off corporate donations? No, because they don't exist. Not at the local, state or federal level.
That is why the establishment of both parties attack the Progressives.
The establishment also fear Us because we are gaining ground.