New Gallup Poll: Republicans viewed more favorably than Democrats

Which means the Pubs are really up 5-8 points

The Dems are getting killed on their Kavanaugh antics, as they should be. Let the nation see who the modern Democratic party is today during the Kavanaugh hearings. No way in hell the public should be allowed in, if so the Dens will give their seats to protesters again.
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The Dems are getting killed on their Kavanaugh antics, as they should be. Let the nation see who the modern Democratic party is today during the Kavanaugh hearings. No way in hell the public should be allowed in, if so the Dens will give their seats to protesters again.

People are outraged over the disgusting Stalinist style show trial by the RAT Senators and the state run media. CNN and MSLSD are pathetic. This is going back fire big time