nail, just finished up in Weatherford. The hotel still isn't open by daughter's steakhouse. It was supposed to open September, then October. It's all lit up but still blocked off. I had a wonderful NY strip.
Anwar is still making timely payments on the truck stop.
Son-in-law may be close to letting hunters hunt African stags at the ranch. He's got cabins all updated. Son-in-law shot a coyote he believes have killed some American doe. My younger son killed a rattle snake after firing 25 rounds from a .38. I never did train him with hand guns. Son-in-law said he almost went broke restocking ammo.
Anwar is still making timely payments on the truck stop.
Son-in-law may be close to letting hunters hunt African stags at the ranch. He's got cabins all updated. Son-in-law shot a coyote he believes have killed some American doe. My younger son killed a rattle snake after firing 25 rounds from a .38. I never did train him with hand guns. Son-in-law said he almost went broke restocking ammo.