nail, daughter and hubby should be on a flight now for DC. Tomorrow they're scheduled for a cocktail party at the White House. Youngest grandson is event planner for the RNC. Grandson graduated TCU with a degree in political science.
You realize there are news outlets other than OAN, don't you? You may want to broaden your information every now and then.One America News Investigates with Chanel Rion: Ukrainian Witnesses Destroy Schiff's Case
You realize there are news outlets other than OAN, don't you? You may want to broaden your information every now and then.
You realize there are news outlets other than OAN, don't you? You may want to broaden your information every now and then.
What are your go-to sources for objective political information? I keep asking and you can never answer.
Wait. Didnt you discredit the entire MSM?The 'MSM Fake News' of the corrupt Demorats is not broadening anything.
I'd rather not waste my time with their propaganda arm excuse for news...
If you can't counter the presented information, then you make weak attempts at discrediting the source.
Wait. Didnt you discredit the entire MSM?
As I posted in other thread, OAN is open about intentionally slants things to encourage Righty positions. They mean to appeal to Tards such as yourself that think it’s a real news organization.
Here’s your sign.
Well, it’s all relative but my go to are:Please supply us with a list of 5 real news organizations, meaning they follow the standard practices of good journalism and do not bury alternative facts. I would settle for 1 or 2 but they do not exist.
PS. I hope you realize the overuse of emojis doesn’t strengthen your argument. I’m not a teenager.The 'MSM Fake News' of the corrupt Demorats is not broadening anything.
I'd rather not waste my time with their propaganda arm excuse for news...
If you can't counter the presented information, then you make weak attempts at discrediting the source.
Well, it’s all relative but my go to are:
The Hill
I’m talking about the news reporting, not the opinions. I even like Breitbart at times.. Obviously none are perfect but I feel they have journalistic standards that they uphold. Sites like OAN, RedState, Daily Caller are openly biased and instruct their reporters to slant the stories. They don’t even try to be real journalists. They just try to cater to people that want to hear stories that support their beliefs.
PS. I hope you realize the overuse of emojis doesn’t strengthen your argument. I’m not a teenager.
I won't be wasting my time waiting for you to actually discredit ANY of the facts reported by OAM.
They have 2 conservative leaning 'Editorial Opinion' segments.
The Daily Ledger and Tipping Point. They announce that they are right up front and make no secret of it, unlike the left biased hacks on MSM.
The rest of OAN's programming is factual news, mostly by 'on the scene' reporters.
I'm still waiting for you to discoed their interviews with the Ukrainian witnesses, or anything else that they have aired, (but I'm not holding my breath on it).
As to the artful use of the emo's,,, "A man's got to know his limitations."
The Ukranian interference has been discredited as a Putin planted story. As well as many other “stories” that somehow never come to fruition. It’s not a credible news source. They must use a lot of emojis which is why you like them.
Simple pictures for simple minds I guess.
You guys define fake news as anything you don’t like.That's an outright LIE...
Actual sworn in Ukrainian witnesses vs opinions and paid for speculations.
But then the 'Fake News' is where you live, so no surprises on your ignorant opinion.
The Ukranian interference has been discredited as a Putin planted story.
"Burrow"??? Under what, the East River???I like Bloomberg and the Economist. I get a lot of my daily news now from Financial Twitter, primarily the Big Picture and Epsilon Theory. Espilon Theory is excellent. Really eye opening perspective. I actually stumbled across the National Review's website while researching to discredit some insane rantings posted by Ghost and found it to be pretty reasonable and smart.
I read the New York Post for all of my coverage related to who stabbed who in what NY burrow, hot teachers sleeping with students and anything newsworthy caught on camera during drunk people's late night visits to various fast food drive thrus.
I actually stumbled across the National Review's website while researching to discredit some insane rantings posted by Ghost and found it to be pretty reasonable and smart.
This actually makes me quite happy. Ive said all along that you sheep should do your own research and never blindly accept what MSM wants to spoonfeed you. Glad you are waking up, i could sense it.
And you will like National Review, they lean toward Never Trumperism.
I used to read the National Review and the American Spectator when I was a right wing psycho like yourself.
I don't read either of them.
You realize there are news outlets other than OAN, don't you? You may want to broaden your information every now and then.
You guys define fake news as anything you don’t like.
Here you go.
CNN,MSDNC,ABC,NBC,CBS, NYT, Washington Compost, all scribes, shills and propagandist for the Democrat party.
And what do you consider OAN, The Daily Caller, RedState, Breitbart, Drudge, Ox?