nail and Dallas North...

Sunburnt Indian

Bull Gator
Nov 7, 2001
Woman Called Wesley boss texted yesterday and said prepare to interview next week for Dallas North job. She thought Dallas South would come open but not so. Dallas North is mid Dallas to Denton. That's just fine.

If she get's the job, GM wants her on sight Sept. 15. Grandson says he'll talk to his dad about renting the nearly new double wide at the Lake Whitney ranch. The bad thing is lousy WinStar slow internet at the ranch. They both work from home.

They may have a house built because they want Dallas to be a final stop in their careers. Wesley's parents live in Norman and Dallas is near the Nation, which provide her and Child Called Pony with many benefits.

Wesley will remain with GMC-Buick.
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Woman Called Wesley boss texted yesterday and said prepare to interview next week for Dallas North job. She thought Dallas South would come open but not so. Dallas North is mid Dallas to Denton. That's just fine.

If she get's the job, GM wants her on sight Sept. 15. Grandson says he'll talk to his dad about renting the nearly new double wide at the Lake Whitney ranch. The bad thing is lousy WinStar slow internet at the ranch. They both work from home.

They may have a house built because they want Dallas to be a final stop in their careers. Wesley's parents live in Norman and Dallas is near the Nation, which provide her and Child Called Pony with many benefits.

Wesley will remain with GMC-Buick.

nail can help women called Wesley and grandson my neck of the woods
Dallas South came open. Boss called Woman Called Wesley today and said she should know tomorrow afternoon if she gets promoted. Dallas North pays more but she prefers Dallas South. She says Dallas South is jeans and polo shirt. Dallas North is business suit.

Fly in the ointment is Houston came open. Houston is top job in south central region. She thinks her boss is hinting she might get offered Houston. She prefers Dallas but would take Houston.
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Dallas South came open. Boss called Woman Called Wesley today and said she should know tomorrow afternoon if she gets promoted. Dallas North pays more but she prefers Dallas South. She says Dallas South is jeans and polo shirt. Dallas North is business suit.

Fly in the ointment is Houston came open. Houston is top job in south central region. She thinks her boss is hinting she might get offered Houston. She prefers Dallas but would take Houston.

I would also prefer Dallas South to Dallas North. Women called Wesley would enjoy the short hour drive to Daughters Steak house and Awars truck stop. Is Anwar still making timely payments? Houston on the other hand has some really nice areas, but way to busy for Nail.
I would also prefer Dallas South to Dallas North. Women called Wesley would enjoy the short hour drive to Daughters Steak house and Awars truck stop. Is Anwar still making timely payments? Houston on the other hand has some really nice areas, but way to busy for Nail.
Anwar is still making timely payments.
Woman Called Wesley has to be on the job in Dallas Oct. 15. That's all I know at this time. Wife just got a text. Grandson said he'd call later. They had to go dine on gumbo to celebrate.
Woman Called Wesley has to be on the job in Dallas Oct. 15. That's all I know at this time. Wife just got a text. Grandson said he'd call later. They had to go dine on gumbo to celebrate.


I hope I can help in some way with women called Wesley, grandson and child called pony.

Anwar will be happy.
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Granddaughter got Dallas South region, third biggest GM region in south central U. S. Only Dallas North and Houston are bigger. Dallas South is what she wanted. Richard Karr GMC-Buick-Cadillac in Waco is in her region.

Kids are looking at houses in the towns you suggested. GM will soon assign kids a group of GM approved realtors they can choose from for their house on Ponchartrain's North Shore and to buy a house in the Metroplex. If their house in Louisiana doesn't sell in 60 days, GM buys it for what they paid.

Kids may move into daughter's Lake Whitney ranch till they find a Metroplex house. We're all excited. The bad about the ranch is poor internet service.
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Grandkids have GM assigned realtors for Ponchartrain and Dallas. Should be in Dallas Wednesday to start looking for houses in Coffeyville. Grandson's company wants him in his UpTown office 2 days a week so they need to be in high buck Dallas. They could buy much, much more house in Waco for far less. Waco is on the south end of granddaughter's region.
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nail, kids are supposed to be looking at houses around there Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning. They may go watch OU game at Lake Whitney ranch or my house. Both are OU grads. The Nation paid Woman Called Wesley's first 4 year tuition. She had to pay year 5. Her sister got the Nation to pay for her Masters at OU. The Nation acts weird sometimes.
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nail, kids are supposed to be looking at houses around there Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning. They may go watch OU game at Lake Whitney ranch or my house. Both are OU grads. The Nation paid Woman Called Wesley's first 4 year tuition. She had to pay year 5. Her sister got the Nation to pay for her Masters at OU. The Nation acts weird sometimes.
One of my son's classmates in HS was a member of the Cherokee Tribe. Even though she lived in TX she went to OU on the tribe's nickel.
Grandkids are looking in Colleyville. Colleyville is noted for wealth. Colleyville votes overwhelmingly Republican. I can't afford a mailbox in Colleyville.
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Grandkids are looking in Colleyville. Colleyville is noted for wealth. Colleyville votes overwhelmingly Republican. I can't afford a mailbox in Colleyville.

Grandkids will love Colleyville. Colleyville is very conservative. The Colleyville mayor was the first mayor to open the restaurants and bars back up thumbing his nose at King Abbott. He also told the Colleyville police they will not enforce the unconstitutional mask decree byTarrant county.

Colleyville still has a country town fee,l with excellent public and private schools. Colleyville borders, Southlake, Grapevine , HEB and just west of DFW airport.
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Grandkids will love Colleyville. Colleyville is very conservative. The Colleyville mayor was the first mayor to open the restaurants and bars back up thumbing his nose at King Abbott. He also told the Colleyville police they will not enforce the unconstitutional mask decree byTarrant county.

Colleyville still has a country town fee,l with excellent public and private schools. Colleyville borders, Southlake, Grapevine , HEB and just west of DFW airport.
Grandkids are looking in other towns, too. Good schools is a big deal for Child Called Pony.

If grandson's job didn't want him in his UpTown office 2 days a week, they could buy in Waco. Waco is the south end of granddaughter's region. Richard Karr GMC-Buick-Cadillac Waco is her most southern dealer. She works most days from home. She visits her dealers on occasion.
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nail, Ponchartrain house is under contract. Kids gave $355,000. They upgraded for $4500. On the market for $390. Offer was $372. Grandson countered with $388. Couple said they would go $388 if grandson would go $3000 on closing. Done!

Kids made low ball offer on a 4000 sq. ft. house in Rockwall this afternoon. Grandson sees no chance. Realtor says all that's available in good school districts is big high buck cheap built dumps.

Grandson wants you to text him. You know more about the Metroplex and would shoot him the straight dope. They might consider building. They want a 2000-2200 sq. ft. house with an 18' garage door. They looked at 42 houses all with 16' doors. Tell me how I can get info to you so you can text him. He ain't good at answering a phone. Kids are funny about texting. I'm a Jerry Jones flip phone stooge.

His UpTown office wants him at his desk for 2 days a week since Woman Called Wesley got her new job. Wesley really needs to be close too, because so many of her dealers are around the Metroplex. If they decide to build, they have daughter's Lake Whitney ranch to light.

Dallas has a Choctaw Medical Clinic for Wesley and Child Called Pony. They wouldn't have to go to Ada. I told grandson it was you that named Child Called Pony. He laughed.
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nail, I sent you grandson's cell phone #. Tomorrow when I come home for lunch I'll send him your # and e-mail address. He'd like for you to text him and introduce yourself . I told him your conservative as is he. He's never been one to live in mother's basement. If he wants to eat at Sonic, he knows he needs to earn the money to dine there. Woman Called Wesley is the same way. They've never had Obama phones, as has Shauna.
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nail, grandson's old Waco First City boss called him this AM and asked if he could talk about a job offer. Grandson said, "heck yes." They're supposed to talk more this afternoon. The old boss has offered before but this new job doesn't hire remote workers. GM would have to approve Waco living for Wesley. When she got the New Orleans gig, GM said live anywhere in your Mississippi-Louisiana region. They chose Lake Ponchtrain's north shore. Waco has plenty of affordable housing exactly what they want.

Waco's First City was bought by an Atlanta group and Waco office moved to UpTown. First City accepts remote employees.

I'm about to send kids your phone number and e-mail address in case they need you. They may need you. I'll keep you up to date.
Granddaughter has dealers in San Angelo and College Station. Waco is in the middle of her region. Most of her dealers are in the Metroplex South.

Her Fargo geographical region was much larger.
nail, Job offer guy and grandson talked an hour last night. Job offer was 5 depressed hotels $10 million account. Offer guy was startled to learn grandson manages $880 million in depressed property accounts, down from $950 million. One account just got paid off.

Offer guy says before he can make an offer, he must talk to way higher ups at his company. The offer guy gave grandson his very first account at First City Financial in Waco when grandson was just out of OU. They're scheduled to talk again next week.

Inspector was at kids Ponchartrain house for 3 hours 45 minutes this afternoon. New Awleens realtors say Louisiana inspectors really take their time.

I taught grandson to count money. He taught his OU profs. I tried to teach BSC911 to count money with no success. I asked BSC to name for me the unit of length upon which the U. S. dollar is based.
nail, grandson is to submit resume to Waco this afternoon then be scheduled for a telephone interview. GM has approved Woman Called Wesley living in Waco. Her southern most dealer is in College Station so Waco is about the middle of her geographical area. Most of her dealers are around the Metroplex. If grandson doesn't get the Waco job, they still might need you.

Wesley should be here at daughter's house or the Lake Whitney ranch next week. She has to start visiting and meeting her dealers. When she meets Richard Karr GMC-Buick-Cadillac dealer, I hope to be there.
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nail, Woman Called Wesley is in Waco. Yesterday, GM rented a conference room at McLane Stadium for Wesley's dealers to join her for their first get together.

Movers will be at Ponchartrain to pick up furniture for storage Nov. 9. Then grandson and Child Called Pony will clean house and head for Waco.

Grandson will interview for Waco job by phone next week. They can have a house built because daughter has a 6000 sq ft house in Waco and the Lake Whitney ranch for kids to hang out. Kids think they like Moonlight Park in Hewitt. I like Sunny's Halo Drive in Moonlight Park. It's in the Lorena School District. They claim good but I'm a critic of all failing U. S. school districts. I've proved failures with a 5 minute demonstration many times. I can't count the times I've demonstrated high ranking school officials can't teach me to count money.
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Grandson got a good Waco offer today. He's hitting them for his strong UpTown March bonus. He hasn't heard back yet. Maybe tomorrow. He must weigh all this against cost of living. If Waco offers up March bonus it may be a done deal. He'll tell UpTown. They might offer him something better. UpTown has already told him he could expect a raise if he's show at the UpTown office a couple times a week.

The Waco offer guy had a hot deal going in a Houston court room this PM might be the reason grandson hasn't heard back.
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nail, looks like grandson will accept Waco offer this afternoon and move into his mother's Waco 6000 sq. ft. house next Wednesday. Movers are to be at his Ponchartrain house Monday. This house is to close Nov. 18. It sold 18 hrs. after going on the market. GM will store his furniture for 60 days while he looks for a new house.

I'll show him new. I know plenty of Waco builders. Kids can buy a much better house here than Dallas. They want foamed 2000 sq. ft. , 18 ft. garage door, with Charter Spectrum and Grande TV cable in the front yard for leverage.
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nail, grandson's last day with UpTown employer is Friday. Next Wednesday he starts new Waco job. He's 2 hours away from his mother's Waco house. Wife and I will probably head that way tomorrow night after dark so neighbors won't see us. Daughter doesn't like her neighbors seeing low lifes visiting.

They can buy a much nicer house here than the Metroplex. Here will be the middle of Woman Called Wesley's region. Her dealers will be from College Station to Mid Dallas.
nail, grandson's last day with UpTown employer is Friday. Next Wednesday he starts new Waco job. He's 2 hours away from his mother's Waco house. Wife and I will probably head that way tomorrow night after dark so neighbors won't see us. Daughter doesn't like her neighbors seeing low lifes visiting.

They can buy a much nicer house here than the Metroplex. Here will be the middle of Woman Called Wesley's region. Her dealers will be from College Station to Mid Dallas.
I wish them well. Hope he gets his other job back soon :)

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