Mods. please

Noles are like illegal immigrants.

Their home sucks, so they want to come here and do the same kind of things that makes their own home site suck, and then they whine when the other guys sends them back where they came from. Go home and make your own place better, instead of coming here and messing up ours. (goes double for the felon illegal's) :mad:

'Tolerate me or I'll go elsewhere." :confused:

So please, go elsewhere, and the sooner the better! :p


I've never been banned from ho-rant or the scUM board, but I have been from here... o_O
Pass banned me.
Pass has the RIGHT (and obligation) to ban's his site.
It's not the first time, it likely won't be the last. It goes with the territory when "posting behind enemy lines."
I will not whine about being banned.
Folks on here take things WAY too seriously.
Pass is a great guy and a fair moderator (he puts up with a lot from both Gators and rival fans).
Nothing wrong with how this board is ran.
Everyone needs to relax.

To shime.
re: "Please ban him. If not I'll just go away to Scout or ESPN like many have."

/thread participation
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I'd love some additional input from rival posters on how this board should be run. Perhaps a panel of illustrious non-Gator posters can assemble and create a list of suggestions to improve the board. They can e-mail the list to me and I will be happy to print it up and wipe my ass with it.
Don't come to this board very often, but, I really enjoy coming over and joining in with a comment here and there! Fun board.
Lmao. Classic

To shime.
re: "Please ban him. If not I'll just go away to Scout or ESPN like many have."

/thread participation[/QUOTE]
Perhaps a panel of illustrious non-Gator posters can assemble and create a list of suggestions to improve the board. They can e-mail the list to me and I will be happy to print it up and wipe my ass with it.

The list is going to be tougher to read if you do that.
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I've gotten to the point where I skip over every nole post. This site was unreadable during the off season. It's gotten a bit better now that the season has started, but there are still too many smart ass douche bags semi fans for my taste.

I know I don't have a vote, but if I did I would vote to ban early and ban often.
I've gotten to the point where I skip over every nole post. This site was unreadable during the off season. It's gotten a bit better now that the season has started, but there are still too many smart ass douche bags semi fans for my taste.

I know I don't have a vote, but if I did I would vote to ban early and ban often.

Ignore feature is your friend.
I've gotten to the point where I skip over every nole post. This site was unreadable during the off season. It's gotten a bit better now that the season has started, but there are still too many smart ass douche bags semi fans for my taste.

I know I don't have a vote, but if I did I would vote to ban early and ban often.
Well, a lot of board hygiene will occur naturally after the first FSU loss of the season. We can only hope that it happens before the first Gator loss.
Pass your site and your rules but you guys dish it out but can't take it.

I got banned and didn't get unbanned until it went system wide for asking a question. How do you like your new Coach Zook, and he still be our a$$ and it got me banned for 10 years. lol, good times.

The Internet is serious business.

How do people seriously hate igloo? He actually gives them a GOOD name.

Seriously...way too sensitive for a while now. Too bad we can't be smart asses anymore.

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Dang, grommit. Where ya been? Haven't seen you post in a while, man!
I have a life and football season has only just started back up for the year.

The older I get, the more I realize I need to stop spending so much of my life based on what a bunch of rude 18-21 year olds do. Every year we expect them to be model citizens right out of the 1950s as well as prove to be the baddest players in the land when it comes to football, and every year, every single fan, to some degree, get's let down and embarrassed on that front. I still go to the games, at least for now, still a fan, still work at the university, but I find myself not nearly as crazy for the sport the more I sit back and look at how things just never change, except for the worst. Trying to fill my life up with other more positive stuff, but I'm around enough to say **** YOU to tennessee and jortgia when it comes to this sport still.
I have a life and football season has only just started back up for the year.

The older I get, the more I realize I need to stop spending so much of my life based on what a bunch of rude 18-21 year olds do. Every year we expect them to be model citizens right out of the 1950s as well as prove to be the baddest players in the land when it comes to football, and every year, every single fan, to some degree, get's let down and embarrassed on that front. I still go to the games, at least for now, still a fan, still work at the university, but I find myself not nearly as crazy for the sport the more I sit back and look at how things just never change, except for the worst. Trying to fill my life up with other more positive stuff, but I'm around enough to say **** YOU to tennessee and jortgia when it comes to this sport still.

So, I take it you're doing well then. ROTFL! Looks like you're blow'n up some other threads...on my way to check them out. I'm anticipating some drunk'n hilarity. o_O Good to see you back!
Grumpyolddawg said:
I got banned and didn't get unbanned until it went system wide for asking a question. How do you like your new Coach Zook, and he still be our a$$ and it got me banned for 10 years. lol, good times.

LOL! FTR, I haven't been mod for 10 yrs.

I think Theo banned all the dawgs before he stepped down.