Mass Stabbing at German "Festival of Diversity" leaves three dead, five hospitalized---UPDATE

German officials are now saying it might possibly could be terrorism.

I have so many horribly tasteless one liners running through my head right now I feel like Henny Youngman on a Pervitin binge piloting an A-10.

This is what the Democrats want for the US with open borders.
Here's an update you don't want to read and yes, he hollered allah akbar while stabbing the festival victims in their necks.

'The suspected terrorist had a removal date scheduled to have him sent to Bulgaria, the country where he first entered the European Union, and therefore, under the Dublin regulations, the country where he should have had his asylum claims processed.
However, following his deportation order, Issa Al H. disappeared from his residence in the Western German city of Paderborn. He re-appeared several months later, but rather than removing him, he was reportedly granted “subsidiary protection” for people from countries with civil wars and transferred to a refugee centre in Solingen, where Friday’s attack took place.'

“It’s enough,” Friedrich Merz wrote, saying: “After the terrorist act in Solingen, it should now be finally clear: it is not the knives that are the problem, but the people who run around with it… In the majority of cases, these are refugees, in the majority of the deeds, there were Islamist motives behind them. F me, I gotta game in the Swamp against Miami next Saturday I was prepping for and now I gotta deal with this shit."
Here's an update you don't want to read and yes, he hollered allah akbar while stabbing the festival victims in their necks.

'The suspected terrorist had a removal date scheduled to have him sent to Bulgaria, the country where he first entered the European Union, and therefore, under the Dublin regulations, the country where he should have had his asylum claims processed.
However, following his deportation order, Issa Al H. disappeared from his residence in the Western German city of Paderborn. He re-appeared several months later, but rather than removing him, he was reportedly granted “subsidiary protection” for people from countries with civil wars and transferred to a refugee centre in Solingen, where Friday’s attack took place.'

“It’s enough,” Friedrich Merz wrote, saying: “After the terrorist act in Solingen, it should now be finally clear: it is not the knives that are the problem, but the people who run around with it… In the majority of cases, these are refugees, in the majority of the deeds, there were Islamist motives behind them. F me, I gotta game in the Swamp against Miami next Saturday I was prepping for and now I gotta deal with this Islam shit."
It’s enough,” Friedrich Merz wrote, saying: “After the terrorist act in Solingen, it should now be finally clear: it is not the knives that are the problem, but the people who run around with it.

@GatorTheo Care to comment? 😂
It’s enough,” Friedrich Merz wrote, saying: “After the terrorist act in Solingen, it should now be finally clear: it is not the knives that are the problem, but the people who run around with it.

@GatorTheo Care to comment? 😂
I would agree that knives, in general, aren't a problem. Now, if we got to a point of 10-15 people being stabbed in Chicago every weekend, we could certainly say that knives were presenting a problem.
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I would agree that knives, in general, aren't a problem. Now, if we got to a point of 10-15 people being stabbed in Chicago every weekend, we could certainly say that knives were presenting a problem.
I think we should have a government program distributing knives too. 😂
Are there knife nuts who think that our knives are the only thing keeping the government from attacking?
Well there are ones with vehicles doing mayhem too. It's not an inanimate object problem, it's a human retarded guided missile problem.
I would agree that knives, in general, aren't a problem. Now, if we got to a point of 10-15 people being stabbed in Chicago every weekend, we could certainly say that knives were presenting a problem.
They do dot track knife attacks because the left does not want to take knives away from us. they know how stupid THAT sounds. If they had that agenda...I will bet you a dime against a dollar there ARE that many attacks
They do dot track knife attacks because the left does not want to take knives away from us. they know how stupid THAT sounds. If they had that agenda...I will bet you a dime against a dollar there ARE that many attacks
So you think there is as much knife crime as gun crime but it's not reported as part of the big anti-gun conspiracy?

That sounds rational.
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So you think there is as much knife crime as gun crime but it's not reported as part of the big anti-gun conspiracy?

That sounds rational.
I don’t care about hunting, and find it personally abhorrent (except when dealing with over population due to lack of natural predators) but as someone whose grandparents escaped the holocaust and who saw on 10/7 that strict gun laws in Israel prevented people from protecting themselves, yes, I am now a significant 2nd amendment advocate - for keeping guns in your land or your home. Federal hunting lands should be regulated.
I don’t care about hunting, and find it personally abhorrent (except when dealing with over population due to lack of natural predators) but as someone whose grandparents escaped the holocaust and who saw on 10/7 that strict gun laws in Israel prevented people from protecting themselves, yes, I am now a significant 2nd amendment advocate - for keeping guns in your land or your home. Federal hunting lands should be regulated.
Do you not eat meat? Curious why you find hunting abhorrent. I personally don’t hunt, but only because it doesn’t interest me. I don’t think it’s immoral
So you think there is as much knife crime as gun crime but it's not reported as part of the big anti-gun conspiracy?

That sounds rational.
I see what you are saying..I was not as clear as I wanted to be. What I am saying is that IF they traced knife attacks, they could/would make it look like knives are the problem...not the criminals
I don’t care about hunting, and find it personally abhorrent (except when dealing with over population due to lack of natural predators) but as someone whose grandparents escaped the holocaust and who saw on 10/7 that strict gun laws in Israel prevented people from protecting themselves, yes, I am now a significant 2nd amendment advocate - for keeping guns in your land or your home. Federal hunting lands should be regulated.
Federal (public) hunting lands ARE regulated. What the heck? You need a license or stamp, there are bagging limits per species as required and State DNR, USFWS, game wardens and other law enforcement ensure that laws and limits are enforced.
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I have friends that do with with wild hogs.
Spear hunting is actually quite a thing with a certain segment of hunters. Normally it's done from a tree stand though. It requires skill and accuracy. Nothing wrong with that, especially with feral hogs. They breed like rats and destroy the habitat.
I think big, brave hunters should have to take down their prey with knives (since knives are deadly just like guns).
Oh. You think it’s the humane thing to do to go to your local grocery store to buy meat, do you? Very big and brave of you to have someone else raise your meat on an industrial farm where they are packed in and live a TERRIBLE life on shit feed and loaded with hormones. Then some else takes this sad animal through a factory line of killing and kills it for you tough guy. Then you eat that sick piece of meat. Very noble of you. Yeah. Much better than a free living animal that lives a natural life that never even hears the gun shot that kills him. You are a real dope. You suburban neighborhood isn’t the whole world.
I think big, brave hunters should have to take down their prey with knives (since knives are deadly just like guns).
Seriously? You have an issue with hunting? Show us on the doll where thousands of years of subsistence living touched you. :oops: 😂
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Oh. You think it’s the humane thing to do to go to your local grocery store to buy meat, do you? Very big and brave of you to have someone else raise your meat on an industrial farm where they are packed in and live a TERRIBLE life on shit feed and loaded with hormones. Then some else takes this sad animal through a factory line of killing and kills it for you tough guy. Then you eat that sick piece of meat. Very noble of you. Yeah. Much better than a free living animal that lives a natural life that never even hears the gun shot that kills him. You are a real dope. You suburban neighborhood isn’t the whole world.
You don't need to hunt for food. You enjoy killing animals from a safe distance. Your family must be proud.
Seriously? You have an issue with hunting? Show us on the doll where thousands of years of subsistence living touched you. :oops: 😂
Let's be honest.....most hunters are redneck goobers. Not a lot of doctors and other educated professionals out blasting animals for meat.
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Federal (public) hunting lands ARE regulated. What the heck? You need a license or stamp, there are bagging limits per species as required and State DNR, USFWS, game wardens and other law enforcement ensure that laws and limits are enforced.
Good then (again, I am not a hunter). No changes are needed then.
Let's be honest.....most hunters are redneck goobers. Not a lot of doctors and other educated professionals out blasting animals for meat.
You'd be big time wrong. Doctors and lawyers are the biggest lessors of private land for that very reason! Hunting private land ain't cheap. 😂 😂 😂
You don't need to hunt for food. You enjoy killing animals from a safe distance. Your family must be proud.
First of all, if you could read you would have seen that I personally don’t enjoy hunting. Not something I do. I feed my family from produce raised on family dirt. My family is very proud. BTW… somebody has to kill for you to eat. You do know that, right? What a self righteous bitch. Your wife must be so ashamed that all she could get was a neutered limp noodle. Piss poor excuse for a man.
First of all, if you could read you would have seen that I personally don’t enjoy hunting. Not something I do. I feed my family from produce raised on family dirt. My family is very proud. BTW… somebody has to kill for you to eat. You do know that, right? What a self righteous bitch. Your wife must be so ashamed that all she could get was a neutered limp noodle. Piss poor excuse for a man.
So you don't eat meat?
So you don't eat meat?
I definitely eat meat. When a steer is ready, you walk up with a rifle and shoot him in the head. Not from a “safe distance” or whatever. When chickens are ready to be processed, I reach into the chicken tractor, snag one by the legs place him in a cone and cut his neck with a blade. I don’t eat factory farmed food. I don’t eat processed food. I don’t eat corporate sludge. Our families animals live a much better and happier life the chicken or cow you purchase from the grocery store. They graze well cared for pastures and live a wholesome natural life. However, they do have a purpose, and that is to feed my family. Now tell me how much better and more moral you are for consuming industrial farmed abused animals.
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Now tell me how much better and more moral you are for consuming industrial farmed abused animals.
It ain't. it's basically contracting out your slaughter wholesale.

Not to anthropomorphize animals but if I was a steer I'd rather have the person that raised me and fed me come for me than get crammed in a building that reeks of blood to end my life hung up by a hoof while I get stunned with a bolt gun and have my throat cut.

Free range animals get to live and die with some modicum of dignity.
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